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Alcohol Drug Class™ has been one of the nation’s leading providers of high quality online drug and alcohol education classes since 2008. Our teen/adolescent drug and alcohol classes are specifically designed for those between the ages of 12-20 years old. They are a perfect solution for those seeking proactive training for this demographic, middle school through freshman in college. Our classes are also used as a post incident remediation program after an offense has occurred.

Ideal for Middle, High School and Freshman College Students

Students who take these classes can expect a high quality, fun and engaging learning experience. The courses have been written for teenagers, with language and examples they can relate to. The goal of the class is to aid in prevention of risky behaviors that arise from substance abuse among teens. Research shows that early intervention is the key to stopping and slowing down drug and alcohol use, abuse, and addiction.

Program Price
4 Hour Teen Drug and Alcohol Education Class $125.00 Register
8 Hour Teen Drug and Alcohol Education Class $175.00 Register
12 Hour Teen Drug and Alcohol Education Class $195.00 Register
16 Hour Teen Drug and Alcohol Education Class $275.00 Register
24 Hour Teen Drug and Alcohol Education Class $325.00 Register
Clase de drogas y alcohol para adolescentes de 8 horas $175.00 Register

What Will A Student Learn By Taking This Class Online?

Students can expect to learn about the risks and consequences of drug and alcohol use and abuse. They will be exposed to the various types of drugs that exist, the effects they have on the brain and body and the damage they cause. They will learn about alcohol use and addiction, and the long lasting damage alcohol can cause to one’s physical, emotional, social, and academic health. The course is loaded with DUI and Drug driving statistics as well as other data that illustrates the damaging effects of drugs and alcohol. Students will learn an array of new coping skills to improve their self-esteem, and help better equip them to make start, educated choices. This is a "must take" class for any middle school or high school student.

How Does This Class Work?

Once you have registered for this class, the student will have instant access from any location. The class can be taken on a computer, smartphone, tablet or any other device that has access to the internet. There is no time limit to how long the student needs to take to complete a class. They can start and stop as many times as they need until the class is finished. A certificate of completion will be issued at the end of the program.

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