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If simply wanting to learn about drug and alcohol awareness for yourself and for your kids is your goal, there are multiple ways you go about it without having to hunt down a city provided class. Just get online and you can learn about drug and alcohol awareness through an online education. 

The Resources
The resources available at your fingertips online can rival any other medium on the face of the planet. The only question is, should you use a professional online class or should you just wing it and try looking up the information on your own? 

Doing this on your own means you’ll be without any real goal or learning curve to guide you. By using the resources available online, you will have all the drug and alcohol awareness facts, figures, and videos that you’ll ever need for your alcohol and drug awareness needs. 

Wing it, or Online Classes
The first problem of winging it and not taking an online class is… well, what to look up. A search for example, of  "Ohio Alcohol Awareness Classes" would bring up classes in your state.  Separating the information that is factual and what will actually help from all the stuff that is really a lie or completely a waste of space can be near impossible to do. This alone can eat up enough time to be costly.

By using the online classroom method to learn about drug and alcohol awareness you’ll have a leading force that can help guide your awareness journey though the jargon that the internet can press. Some classes can even help you save money in other parts of your life. 

It is true that most of the people that take classes online, or off, are court ordered. This being said, there is a massive amount of truth behind the fact that ever day non-offenders take these courses of their own free will. 

As with many other educational classes, drug and alcohol awareness classes are broke into hourly segments, most 8, 12, 16, 20 or 24 hours long. The classes, ordered by a court or not, are very affordable. They usually start around $175.00 and go up in to the hundreds depending on how many hours you have been ordered to complete and which site your decide to use. The 8 hour alcohol awareness classes or 8 hour MIP classes are the most common classes taken.

The Certificate
Another bonus of learning about drug and alcohol awareness through an online education is the certificate of completion. In many cases, when a live class is taken, the certificate is costly and can take time to reach you. When you complete an online education, the certificate is printable right then and there off your own printer, and at no charge. It’s free because, of course, the ink, paper and everything being used to print it out is already yours. 

Worry Free
If you want to learn about drug and alcohol awareness through an online education for court, be sure the online class you register for is from a licensed provider. You will also want to choose a provider who can be verified by the Better Business Bureau.