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Did you know that alcohol use results in about 20,000 cancer deaths in the U.S. annually? If living a long, happy and healthy life is important to you, cut back or stop your alcohol consumption! A recent study from researchers at the Boston University School of Medicine and Boston University School of Public Health reinforces that reducing the amount of alcohol you drink is an important strategy in cancer prevention.

Previous studies have shown that alcohol use increases your risk for cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, colon, and rectum. In fact, breast cancer is the most common cause of alcohol related cancer deaths in women resulting in about 6,000 deaths each year.

If this isn’t enough to make you think twice about consuming that next cocktail, think about the fact that the average person loses about 18 years of life due to alcohol-related cancer. Even a number as small as 1 ½ drinks per day or less account for 30% of these deaths.

Now that these statistics have gotten you thinking, the next concern is how to actually go about alcohol reduction or abstinence? For some people quitting cold turkey is no problem, but the majority of us need some form of support. Attending group meetings might seem a bit extreme for your level of alcohol use, or you might not have time in your busy day to make a prescheduled meeting time. A highly successful educationally based solution is to take an online alcohol awareness class.

Many of us grew up in households watching our parents drink, picked it up in high school or college and have slowly increased consumption as life’s challenges have become more difficult. Taking an alcohol awareness class teaches us what our risk factors are for alcoholism, how it affects our brain, central nervous system and body and what we can expect the long-term affects will be. Classes also discuss how our alcohol consumption is not only affecting our physical being, but our mental stature and the lives of loved ones around us. Students will leave an alcohol awareness class with new skills and tools to use to improve their communication, manage their stress and how to prevent this addictive behavior.

Taking an online alcohol education class has become increasingly popular in the past few years. Online classes enable clients to have the freedom to take the course on any web-based computer device whenever there is free time. Clients can enter and exit the class as many times as they want and it’s available online 24/7. Online classes are user-friendly, the class is right in front of you on the computer screen. There’s nothing to printout or download, just sit and read through the class at your own pace. And, because you are in the privacy of your own home, no one else needs to know that you are currently taking the class. If it’s something you would like to keep on the down low, an online class is definitely the way to go.

The most recent research in the field of health tells us that drinking alcohol can be a link to cancer, as well as to other emotional and physical risks. Take some time to learn more about and overcome alcohol use, abuse and addiction by taking an online alcohol class today!