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While binge drinking tends to be more prevalent among boys and men, the CDC in 2013 is attempting to raise awareness about the severity of the problem among girls and women in the U.S. as well. Their research shows that nearly 14 million females partake in binge drinking about 3 times a month, but this is rarely a publicly discussed subject. Recent studies show that it’s most prevalent among high school girls and women ages 18 – 34. In fact, one out of five girls in high school binge drinks and one in eight adult women binge drinks on a regular basis. For women, this means that they are consuming 4-5 alcoholic drinks within two hours.

According to the CDC, more than half of the 23,000 female deaths annually that are related to alcohol abuse are specifically due to binge drinking. It is a serious problem in our society that many of us may not be aware of and there are a number of health risks that go along with this behavior. Binge drinking negatively impacts anyone’s health, but for women in particular, it puts them at increased risk for heart disease, STDs, breast cancer and unintended pregnancy. Parents should also be aware that teens that binge drink are also at increased risk for depression and anxiety in adulthood.

Many parents might look at these statistics and think that they don’t need to worry because this is something their daughter would never consider. However, the numbers show that there is a significant portion of our high school population getting away with this behavior and it is a subject that needs to be addressed. This is where online classes can be very handy. Online Minor in Possession or Alcohol Awareness Classes are readily available to help parents appropriately educate their young adults about how alcohol and drug use can adversely affect their lives forever. MIP classes online are an excellent resource to use to support discussion about drugs to look out for and how they affect the brain, how alcohol slows down reaction time and decision-making skills, and what the short and long-term affects are on the body and mind. Classes also discuss what the repercussions are of getting cited by the law for underage substance abuse so they understand the seriousness of the charge.

If your child has already been cited for Minor in Possession of an illegal substance these same online classes can often be used to fulfill the education portion of court mandates. Prior to enrolling, check with your court system to get their approval for your child to take an online MIP class. Once approved, simply go online and register. The class will immediately be available on your Internet based computer device. Taking a course online rather than in a classroom is highly beneficial because you don’t need to drive to another physical location or adhere to someone else’s schedule. Your child can simply login and out whenever he or she has the free time. The course is divided by chapters and at the end a multiple-choice final exam is issued to insure they understood the material. Once they have passed the final, the official Certificate of Completion will be sent to you. This is what is turned into the court system with a seal on it to prove the course was successfully completed.

Have your child take an MIP class online to help educate them on the negative affects of alcohol and drug use or to fulfill a court mandate.