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Studies have shown that moderate amounts of red wine might actually be good for heart health. The antioxidants in red wine called polyphenols may aid in protecting the lining of the heart. Specifically, a polyphenol called resveratrol might help to prevent damage to blood vessels, reduce bad cholesterol and prevent blood clots from occurring. However, doctors agree that people should not start drinking alcohol as a method of reducing their risk of heart attack.

In a recent study published by the Journal of Circulation Research this past month, results suggest that the non-alcoholic version of red wine is even more beneficial. The study was performed on 67 men who were at a high risk for heart disease. Some drank 10 ounces of red wine, some 10 ounces of non-alcoholic red wine and some 3 ounces of gin every day for 4 weeks. Both types of red wine contained the same amount of polyphenols, however, the non-alcoholic red wine was found to be even more effective at decreasing blood pressure among these men. The conclusion was that 1 glass for women and 2 glasses of red wine with the alcohol removed for men, per day, could reduce cardiovascular events. The alcohol in red wine might actually be blocking the full potential of the antioxidants on the body.

This news might initially sound exciting for those who like the taste of red wine, but don’t want to consume the alcohol. However, alcohol and drug rehabilitation specialists agree that those who are trying to stay sober and abstain from alcohol should not begin to drink non-alcoholic red wine for these potential health benefits. First of all, beverages labeled “non-alcoholic” are not always entirely alcohol-free. By law, alcohol companies are allowed to include up to half a percent of alcohol by volume in “non-alcoholic” beverages. Secondly, the taste of the red wine might induce cravings for alcohol in those trying to stay sober. Moderate exercise for at least 140 minutes a week and following a healthy diet with reduced intake of salt and saturated fats is a much safer path to take.

In response to this news, many doctors and researchers are stressing that further more detailed studies need to be done to confirm the findings. Also, this research was only performed on a select group of men, what about women? Most importantly, it should be emphasized that alcoholism, including drinking too much red wine, causes cardiovascular disease. There is a fine line here and anyone with any inclination towards addiction, should not start drinking non-alcoholic red wine.

For individuals trying to reduce their alcohol intake or those interested in learning to completely abstain, taking alcohol awareness classes online is highly beneficial. Programs are available at the click of a button from any web-based computer in the privacy of your own home. Look for a high quality class that is designed by a licensed and practicing psychologist. Classes include information on the risks and repercussions of alcohol abuse both physically and psychologically. Proactive steps are given to stop the cycle and sustain sobriety. Also, be sure to find an online class in which you can also speak with a therapist for questions or concerns. Taking online classes are a positive way to regain a stable, healthy, and happy life.