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Drug abuse has become a thorn in the side of most school administrators and governments' worldwide. The rampant drug abuse at schools serves as a cause for alarm to everyone concerned to step up and take appropriate action to fight this evil vice. The war on drugs requires a lot of commitment and effort from all concerned parties to try and curtail access to drugs and create awareness campaigns on the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse. Unfortunately, schools today do not have the available funds to teach alcohol and drug awareness to students as part of the regular curriculum. One way to educate your teenagers on the negative effects of drugs is to enroll them in drug education classes online prior to the beginning of the school year.

Parents and young adults alike should be aware that one of the most widely abused drugs today is marijuana, derived from a plant known as Cannabis Sativa. The drug, just like any other drug, is addictive and has many side effects. Marijuana contains an active chemical known as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). When a person smokes the drug, the chemical is absorbed into the bloodstream within a short time. The chemical is then carried to the brain and other body organs by the blood. Once in the brain, the chemical affects specific parts of the brain to bring about a feeling of "highness" to the user.

THC acts on cannabinoid receptors (cell membrane receptors) found in the brain. Cannabinoid receptors are highly concentrated in parts of the brain that control thinking, memory, problem solving, pleasure, coordination, sensory perception and time perception. When a person inhales marijuana, THC acts as a neurotransmitter which in turn causes various adverse effects in the normal functioning of the mind especially in the mental and physical activities under control of the cannabinoid receptors. Use of marijuana over a long period of time has been associated with permanent and irreversible brain damage. Heavy use of the drug results to loss of brain substance causing the brain to shrink in size.

Smoking marijuana elicits certain reactions in individuals. Marijuana smokers lack perception of speed, distance, and time. Coordination is also significantly hampered. Marijuana smokers often change their gait and their hands may also become unsteady. They also display lack of coordination between thoughts and facial expressions and may burst into uncontrollable laughter. They also suffer from illusions and hallucinations. Their short term memory is also affected in that they have difficulties in recalling events. They also suffer from short attention span, slowness in thinking, drowsiness, depression, lack of sleep, euphoria, judgment impairment, physical and mental lethargy and disturbance of sexual functions. Prolonged heavy use of the drug causes psychic changes to an individual.

Avoiding getting hooked into drug abuse in a society where it seen as being "cool" can be a pitfall-laden task. Taking online drug education classes will teach adolescents how to learn to deal with peer pressure and the stress of life’s pressures. They review and evaluate the cons of taking drugs including the health and emotional risks. Real life drug-related accidents and situations will also be discussed to enlighten kids to what drug usage can have in store. Taking classes in the relaxed, safe and open environment of your own home will spark discussions and help create an environment of good communication between parents and teenagers.