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We live in a day and age where many young people are very quick to want to go out and experiment with drugs and alcohol. The difficult part is the majority of them do not know of the risks that they are taking by using these illicit substances. A great way to teach them what can happen to them is with drug and alcohol classes.

Since so many teenagers these days learn most of their information about drugs and alcohol from their friends, it is important to educate them in the correct way. Their school might offer alcohol and drug classes, but teenagers are often inattentive in school, and are much less likely to listen to these sort of lectures. Parents can play a big role in this sort of teaching, but many parents are not entirely comfortable discussing these sort of matters with their children directly. With alcohol and drug classes your children have the opportunity to learn about the dangers of these substances in a friendly environment, from someone who is a part of a third party so they are not suspicious or inattentive.

Many parents are still unaware of where to find alcohol and drug classes. Many know where they can find alcohol and drug classes for their kids if they happen to already be addicted to alcohol or drugs, but most parents want to stop the problem at the source instead of treating it after the problem arises. There are many places where you can turn to to find this sort of information. The internet is full of great resources to educate someone on the risks of alcohol and drugs with the added benefit that is often interactive and comes in a form that most teenagers already enjoy - the internet. If you are looking for alcohol and drug classes that are much more personal then there is a very good chance that there are some going on right within your hometown. Your first choice again will be the internet and to run a google search for something like "alcohol drug classes" and then add the name of your city and state on the end of it, such as "Phoenix Arizona Alcohol Awareness Classes". This should bring up a whole handful of results that will be instrumental in teaching those that you care about of the dangers that are involved with these substances.

If the internet fails to turn up any results in your search for alcohol and drug classes then the next place that you should turn to is your local newspaper. The sorts of classes are often taking out ads in the newspaper to try to spread their message. If you are still having trouble finding one (perhaps because you live in a small community), then contact your local school district and see if there are any alcohol and drug classes currently going on. If none are available then it may be a good idea to start one of your own. The important thing is that the message of these alcohol and drug classes get spread.