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One Way To Start The Alcohol or Drug Conversation is Through Education Classes

People with drug and alcohol related problems would need to attend substance abuse awareness classes. Courses either have been mandated by the court system after the individual has ended up with a citation, or they are perfect for the education and recovery of those struggling with addictions. Some people enjoy the format that Alcoholics Anonymous presents, while others would like a private experience. For those that would like anonymity, like teachers, parents, teens or high-profile professionals, online courses are extremely beneficial. The online classes meet most standards that may be prescribed by courts, so will often be approved. These requirements range from offenses related to drugs, such as a minor being found in possession of drugs or alcohol and their consumption, to awareness classes that may be recommended for probation and parole.

Individuals who abuse drugs and alcohol face many problems. The biggest obstacle to overcome is getting the abuser to admit he or she has a problem. Many addicts will lie or make excuses to cover up the addiction. However, if the addiction causes violence, child endangerment or physical abuse, it must be confronted. An example comes to mind from the national news story a few years ago when a mother and her kids were killed in a car accident while she was driving the wrong way on the freeway after a weekend of camping. She was later found to have alcohol and drugs in her body. Her husband said he had no idea she was using and she must have been hiding it from the family. One finds that difficult to believe. Maybe there were pride or embarrassment issues, so that he didn’t want to face taking the problem public. Online classes would have helped to get the conversation going in a quiet, safe, private and low-cost atmosphere before things escalated so out-of-control.

Those with serious addictions who are seeking help with drugs and alcohol often go to rehabilitation centers for help. Online classes try to cater to addicts before the situation escalates to that level. They are can be like preventative maintenance for parents who want to educate their children, corporations who want to keep a sober workforce and for those struggling and needing some additional support. Many want convenience and anonymity as they struggle to recover from these addictions. Online sources are also a good place to find help for relapse prevention. Licensed professional therapists are available during working hours to answer any questions the family or addict might have.

The drug and alcohol classes have many benefits. They are affordable and flexible as they can be

Online Classes Available To Teens With Minor-In-Possession Charges

It is important for children to be educated about alcohol abuse as well as other controlled substances so that they may be in a position to make the right and safe decisions in life. Communication and open discussion is key to preventing teens from going down an alcohol or drug using path. When teens feel comfortable coming to their parents for advice on how to deflect the peer pressure, they are most successful at not getting involved with that group of kids or venturing down that path. Alcohol and drug awareness classes may be recommended by a court or parent because of drug-related offenses such as minor-in-possession of alcohol, alcohol consumption by a minor, possession of controlled or banned substance, or possession of drug related paraphernalia. Online mip classes are especially helpful for minors who cannot afford to go to traditional classes, or for the convenience of not having to drive across town to attend a class, or for those who may not feel comfortable with attending a public class.

Online drug abuse classes for minors-in-possession are structured in a similar way as traditional classes and the content that is delivered is rather similar. The only difference is that in the online classes, the student experiences the entire lecture in a virtual form through the internet, while in the traditional setting, the student will have to be physically present in class. In addition, the classes are designed in such a manner that enables each student to learn at his/her own pace in order to ensure that maximum benefit is derived from the classes. Therefore, another benefit is that the students can drop-in and out of the classes at their own pace and based on their busy schedules, not the schedule mandated by the traditional classroom setting.

During drug abuse classes, participants are taken through the benefits of leading a drug and alcohol free life, and the consequences of addiction or substance abuse are clearly enumerated for them. Often times, kids will get involved with substance abuse because they don’t realize the repercussions of what it can do to your health and overall life. When the participants are well informed about such consequences, they will be in a better position to make a safe decision. Being in possession of knowledge concerning the negative outcomes of an action empowers one to prevent such actions. Another focus of drug abuse classes for minors-in-possession is on how the participants can develop into responsible individuals in the society. The participants receive training on how to lead fulfilled and comfortable lives.

These private courses can prove to be very helpful towards realizing an effective means of attaining sobriety and teaching kids to “just say no”. With education, comes power. A minor-in-possession conviction on your record is a serious punishment and wake-up call for both the parents and teens. However, it doesn’t have to scar you for the rest of your life. Learning skills and techniques to get the teen back on the right path is the foremost priority. Taking online courses will benefit not only the teen, but the family as well.

Statistics On Underage Drinking and Driving and How Online Classes can Make a Differrence

Statistics show that teenagers 15-20 years of age are more likely than anyone else to drive under the influence of alcohol, according to the Edgar Snyder website. As the Snyder website further points out, about 1,900 people under the age of 21 die per year in automobile accidents. Perhaps the main reason teenagers drink and drive is because they believe they are invincible. In spite of all the public service advertisements they have seen on TV or the Internet, or heard on the radio, for some reason they believe it does not apply to them. However, according to, teenage boys with a 0.5 percent alcohol level are 18 times as likely as their non-drinking peers to be involved in an automobile accident. If one were to place a teenaged girl behind the wheel of the same car, she becomes 54 times as likely to become involved in such a crash, given the same blood alcohol content levels.

Worst Holiday for Teen DUI's

New Year's Eve is by far the worst holiday possible for drinking and driving, according to a survey attributed to Liberty Mutual Insurance and Students Against Drunk Driving, as cited by the Norristown Patch. Ten percent of drivers under age 20 have driven under the influence after a New Year's Eve event, according to the 2011 study.


As a teen drunk driver, a police officer may confiscate your license immediately. Your license may be suspended for a year or more, depending on the state in which the incident occurred. In addition, a drunk driving charge can remain on your record for ten years or more. In turn, this could make attaining a job or an apartment very difficult as potential employers and/or landlords see you as being a basically irresponsible person. Moreover, you could lose valued friendships with peers, and you could be discharged from a job that pays quite well. In addition, your high school may expel you, which could create problems for you attempting to enter college. Or, if you are already in college, you could face disciplinary action from the dean of your university, up to and including dismissal. In addition, according to the Stanford Hospital website, you place yourself at risk for a life-altering brain injury. Teenagers who drink and drive risk permanent brain damage because of the high chance of getting into a car accident.


Depending on the state in which you live, the fines themselves can rise as high as $400 or more. In almost all cases, you will have to pay a fee for the impoundment and/or towing of your vehicle--most likely another $600 or more. Attorney fees and court costs can run well over $2,000. Moreover, you could severely strain the relationship between yourself and your parents as their insurance costs increase another $6,000 or more.


Parents, teachers and peers can all take part in preventing this tragedy from continuing to unfold. Educators, for example, can invite police officers to schools and colleges who can explain in graphic detail what can happen to people--especially under age 21--who drink and drive. They can speak of how it can affect their long term chances of success in life. They can show films from YouTube and other video sources that show the ramifications of drunk or drugged driving at any age. Asking a person who has lost a loved one, or lost the ability to walk due to an alcohol-related accident can not only be shocking, but also be life changing. A 12 hour MIP class might help.

Parents can help not only by setting boundaries, but also a good example. If you are seen driving after having a glass of wine or a beer, your child will think that that practice is acceptable, regardless of what you say, or the rules you impose on his driving. That is why it is important to ensure that your example matches your precept.

A DUI Offense Might Effect Your Life and Taking Alcohol Class are A Smart Choice

Perhaps you or someone you know thinks they can drive just fine under the influence of alcohol. Often times, people feel that they can handle a drink or two without any repercussions. They rationalize that they are a large person, or have had a meal, or are just able to control the affects of the alcohol. This is a risky attitude, as alcohol does and will impair your ability to drive.

A current fact is that car accidents are the number one cause of death in people under the age of 24. Alcohol contributes to 40% of these accidents. By driving under the influence, you are not only putting yourself in danger, but those around you as well.

Alcohol is a depressant, meaning it slows messages to the brain. This stalls your ability to react quickly. It is common knowledge that reaction time plays a big role when safely operating a motor vehicle. Also, alcohol impairs your depth perception, which is what causes the staggering movement when you drink. If you're planning on drinking and driving, it is worth being fully aware of how a DUI offense will affect your life and those around you.

Could you live with yourself if you killed someone by accident? It's not worth the risk. Of course, this would dramatically alter your life, as you could experience jail time. However, even if you don't hurt anyone and are caught drinking and driving underage, you won't believe how a DUI offense will affect your life dramatically.

First of all, you'll have your driver's license taken away from anywhere between three months to three years. This can make getting to a job or going to college unnecessarily difficult. Then, to get your license back you'll have to pay a steep fee. If the police so choose, they can also impound your car, with more fees to pay. This is on top of the fines you may be forced to pay which are anywhere from $100 to $25,000, depending on the city and state you are cited in. Sometimes you can even be charged for every penny related to arraigning your charges.

Then there are attorney's fees to consider which will be be anywhere from $500 on up. Imagine how a DUI offense will affect your life by putting you in debt and damaging your credit. You'll have a hard time getting into an apartment or house, getting student loans, and lose all of your extra spending money.

Depending on the state you live in, you could be placed in jail anywhere from two days to a whole year and/or put on probation from three to five years! If you really want to imagine how a DUI offense will affect your life long-term, think about trying to find a job with a felony on your record. In this economy, it’s difficult enough to find work with a perfect record. This detrimental mark will definitely push you down the list as a desirable new hire.

If you get caught drinking and driving underage, you'll lose your car and license, could face jail time, can be fined an exponential amount, and you could even have to live with a criminal record, making it hard to find a steady job. Is it really worth it? Take a cab. Knowing how a DUI offense will affect your life should make you think twice before taking the wheel while under the influence.  An online Alcohol class could be a great first step to education.

Online Drug and Alcohol Classes Can Help Those Living With An Alcoholic

Are you currently in a situation where you are worried about someone you are living with because you think that they might be exhibiting signs of alcoholism? If so, then you are probably wondering where you go in order to get help in figuring out what has lead them to this low point in their life and what you can do to get them back on their feet. But first, it is important to understand and be able to recognize some telling signs that a person you are living with might have problems with alcohol.

One of the most common signs that somebody in your household may be experiencing a problem with alcohol is that they will often make efforts to hide their drinking habits. This often happens as a result of them feeling ashamed about the amount that they drink or the way that they act when they drink. So if you have found stored liquor bottles around the home or if your loved one seems to disappear for quite some time before showing back up drunk, then there is a good chance that they are having a problem with alcohol.

In addition, people in your household who consistently exclaim that they need a drink when they are emotionally stressed out or in a bad mood tend to have problems with alcoholism as well. After all, while it is common to drink as a result of emotional distress every so often, if it becomes a regular occurrence, then this can turn into a reliance on alcohol, which leads to a lot of problems in the household.

Another telltale sign to watch out for is a family member who consistently drinks too much, to the point that they black out or pass out. This can be extremely dangerous and is a sure sign of a drinking problem if it happens even remotely often.

Overall, drinking problems can lead to a lot of emotional distress and turmoil in any family. People who have problems with alcoholism can have a difficult time being a role model for their children or even being a good spouse, which can easily result in marriage trouble and potentially divorce down the road, if not treated.

This is why, if you know someone in your family who has a drinking problem, it is important to calmly and respectfully confront them about it. Explain to them how their alcoholism has been affecting the family or your relationship and how you would like to see them act themselves and be happy again. Remember, the first step to getting help, is getting them to see and admit that they even have a problem in the first place.

Once you have accomplished this, then you can look into the possibility of getting them enrolled in some helpful online alcohol classes as a way of getting on the road to recovery. These are ideal because they offer the same experience as a support group, but can be done online in the comfort of one’s own home. They are perfect for an individual who complains of a tight schedule, or is initially uncomfortable about a live group setting. Overall, these online classes are a convenient and educational way to get back on the right path for a healthier, happier life through an Alcohol Drug Class.