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Can Online Alcohol Awareness Classes Help with Alcohol Withdrawal?

The Basics of Alcohol Withdrawal
Unlike drug abuse withdrawal, alcohol withdrawal can actually be fatal. When a person becomes heavily dependent on alcohol, their brains become hyper-sensitive and hyper-active. This is to counter the effects of too much alcohol in their body. The patient's neurotransmitters are slowed down by alcohol abuse. This is what causes a drunken man to be slow and non-responsive. To compensate for this the neurotransmitters have to heighten their activity. When a person suddenly stops drinking, their body will still continue with this high level of activity and this is what can cause fatalities. It does not start so strong however. A person experiencing alcohol withdrawal could start with mild headaches and lead into seizures and even a comatose state. Drug withdrawals usually lead to headaches, hallucinations, and mild body pains but alcohol withdrawal can and will kill when a dependent stops alcohol intake without supervision and medical aid. As a matter of fact a good one out of three people die because of alcohol withdrawal. Most recently, authorities say that singer Amy Winehouse may have died from alcohol withdrawal since she had stopped drinking a few weeks prior.

Who is at Risk?
When a person is undergoing alcohol withdrawal they are not the only ones at risk of being hurt. True, they are the primary patient at hand and could immediately die because of the numerous withdrawal occurrences such as seizures and shakiness but the people around them can and will be affected as well. One of the most common occurrences is when an alcohol abuser who is trying to detox, causes car accidents. Alcoholics undergoing withdrawal can experience very vivid and very realistic hallucinations that could cause them to harm others, for no apparent reason. Some instances of people being beaten to death because an alcoholic was undergoing withdrawal symptoms and had experienced a very horrible hallucination have been reported.

What are the Ramifications on Alcoholics?
Aside from the health issues involved, just taking a look at the common DUI cases in California alone should discourage anyone from heavily getting into alcohol. There are specific cases such as DUI with bodily damage, DUI causing death, and DUI with damage on public property. The state of California has zero tolerance on driving under the influence therefore even just one drink can get you into a DUI. This should be enough to convince anyone to stop drinking but it also means that those undergoing withdrawal symptoms should steer away from the road as well. The common DUI Class is the AB541 program.

To avoid fatalities and health concerns when it comes to alcohol withdrawal it is important for a person to seek immediate medical help the moment as soon as they have the courage to stop alcohol drinking. It is important that they have the right medical team to assess what medications they need and what kind of professional help and rehabilitation is required to help them pull through the detoxification and withdrawal phases without lapsing back into alcoholism. By undergoing professional aid and the right medical assistance one can pull through the difficult alcohol withdrawal sequences without harm and can become free of the chains of alcoholism. It takes time and a lot of effort but it can be done and it can be done safely.

Main Factors Contributing to Drug Abuse and Educational Classes to Help

Drug abuse, also known as substance abuse is when a person consumes a drug in levels or using methods which are not acceptable by medical professionals. Most of these drugs are illegal or legally prescribed but then illegally resold to others. There are various reasons as to why many people decide to get into drugs which may include any or some of the following:

Genetics or inheritance

Those children who are born to parents who are suffering from addiction and abuse are always at high risk of developing drug abuse as well. For example, children of smokers often become smokers themselves. This may be because it was an acceptable habit in their home growing up and they therefore feel comfortable with doing it, or they tried it at a young age because it was accessible and its addictive nature got them hooked, or there may be a genetic component to the addiction.

Peer or social pressure

Drug abuse most often begins in adolescence. The tween and teen years are ones in which kids are looking for an identity and to fit in. Unfortunately, children may fall in with the wrong group and feel pressured to smoke marijuana or try Ecstacy to be cool and gain friends. The pressure which results from these relationships is very common in adolescents but it also extends to adults. Unfortunately, drugs are highly addictive by nature and once you start, it is very difficult to stop.

Depression (stress) and loneliness

As we all know, life has its ups and downs. For some people, dealing with the low points like bad grades, the death of someone close to them, physical pain or loneliness can lead to severe depression. Some might turn to drugs to escape these sad feelings. Some drugs make you feel unnaturally energetic and happier, some might just take your mind off of the stresses of life, some might put you to sleep. The main point is that these are all short-term results so that when the drug wears off, the person is back to his unhappy feelings unless he gets professional help.


Life is full of stressful situations. Some people do not naturally have the coping mechanisms they need to deal with stress in a healthy way. They turn to drugs to take away those anxious feelings and help make them feel more calm and relaxed.


Personality traits vary from one person to another, hence some people are more likely to be develop drug abuse as compared to others. Some people are curious and may try a drug a few times to see what it’s all about but are then able to walk away with a second look. However, for some with addictive personalities this initial fun turns into a major craving and addiction. This is why doctors agree to just say no to drugs.

Online Alcohol and Drug classes are a good place to start when looking for preventative support. They are flexible to your own busy schedule and affordable. With all the current State cut-backs at the public school level, you will find that this topic is being addressed less and less at the high school level. Online classes are an excellent way of having the drug education talk with your teen in the privacy of your own home.

Genetics and Alcoholism Learned in Alcohol Awareness Class

You will find that there has been intense scientific research to support that the abuse of alcohol is often related to genetics. In a study performed in conjunction with the National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse, they found that genetics plays a major role, especially with that of a father and son and the chances are that if someone in the family has abused alcohol at some point, it may contribute to one of their children suffering from the same problem. In fact they can be up to nine times more likely to have a problem in the future if it is a father and son. An interesting fact here is that children who are adopted from alcoholic parents and brought up by non-alcoholic parents, will still be more likely to be affected by the abuse of alcohol.

What are the contributing factors for alcohol and drug abuse?
Many kids will start drinking socially at a party now and then, while for others it develops into more of a regular thing.
*Peer pressure is the greatest factor and this is the biggest problem that we have on our hands. Being accepted in a group is extremely important to kids, and sometimes they will drink to fit-in.

*Kids who lack a strong self-image will take to alcohol easily because it makes them feel relaxed and with a drink or a bottle of beer in their hand they will feel like one of the crowd.
*Kids begin to abuse alcohol on a more regular basis because of the feeling they get from it. Shy kids benefit a lot from this because it makes them feel more confident and this leads to abuse. Kids who are having a hard time at home because their parents are getting divorced or something tough is happening in their lives will often turn to alcohol.
*When parents are working or are not as supportive as they should be or when kids are allowed to be more independent they seem to find the need to explore and are curious about what is out there.
*Older brothers and sisters who don't want the responsibility of looking after their younger siblings simply take them to parties where it is easy for them to experiment with different drugs and this is where it all begins. They will make friendships with older people who will always be able to buy alcohol.
*Once kids are addicted to alcohol they will want to move onto the next step which can be dangerous. This can lead to hard drugs.

Parents need to be aware of what their children are doing, where they are hanging out and with whom. Taking alcohol awareness classes online are a good way to give your children the awareness and education they need to make the right choices. Sometimes, hearing other people’s stories about where there addiction has led them can help to scare some sense into the teenager. You can take classes in the privacy of your own, at any time of the day or night, and with the entire family if you’d like. They are beneficial in helping create a discussion on how to avoid this disease. For children of alcoholics, these classes are especially beneficial prior to the child taking his first drink!

What Are The Most Abused Drugs By Kids and How Online Classes Can Help

It is alarming the amount of kids that are using drugs today. This is happening amongst all class sectors, races and age groups. We have a big problem on our hands and the fight to control and contain it is not an easy one.

Did you know that most drug abuse begins in adolescence, around the age of 12 – 13? For parents with children in this age group, here is a quick list of the top most common drugs used by kids today. You should be aware of these drugs.

*Marijuana- this is known, as a "soft" drug, which implies that it’s use, causes no significant, long-lasting harm. However, this terminology is deceiving. This is something that you can easily get addicted to and its use often leads to other drugs. Believe it or not, many kids are able to buy this drug at school. It is especially dangerous for kids to use this drug during the day in school. Memory can become foggy. This will affect the way they learn and take things in.

*Prescription drugs- this is a common way to get high amongst high-school aged kids. It is becoming more and more common because they are easily acquired from their parent’s medicine cabinet. "Pharming parties" happen when kids have a party and everyone brings a batch of tablets to the house. Once you become addicted to these drugs it can really become dangerous because you will suffer from withdrawal symptoms and the chances of overdosing are high and of course, life-threatening.

*Ecstasy- in the clubbing scene this is huge. It is not expensive and has developed into a popular drug amongst young adults. It creates a euphoric, happy, energetic feeling. The individual feels like they are in complete control and are not thinking reasonably. This feeling of strength and excitement can lead people to take chances they normally wouldn’t take, like thinking they can make it across traffic safely when it’s not actually safe. Another problem with this drug is that is extremely dehydrating. You don’t feel like eating or drinking much while you are on it and we’ve all heard about kids being rushed to hospital for fainting and dehydration at “rage” parties, due to the use of Ecstasy.

*Inhalants- believe it or not, kids recently have gotten into inhaling nitrogen from balloons, whipped cream cans – you name it. This gives the person a quick, short-lived high. It’s easy accessibility makes it popular.

*Cocaine- we all know the dangers of this drug. Unfortunately it is on the rise. This is the hard drug that kids want to experiment with once they want to move on from one of the softer drugs. It is highly addictive. When you come down from a high you will feel depressed so this will make you want more which feeds the cycle. Once a cocaine user becomes addicted, it can be a long, tough battle getting back on track.  Learn about cocaine use in a 8 hour drug class.

*Alcohol- the statistics show us that alcohol use is highly prevalent amongst kids and teens. It’s easily accessible from the parent’s liquor cabinet, older friends or siblings and even other parents today who feel it is O.K. to drink as long as the kids stay home. Aside from noticing missing alcohol, you will see changes in your child like forgetfulness, moodiness and a lack of interest in things they used to be involved in. Alcohol Classes help.

In order to help your kids stay away from substance abuse, it is worthwhile to take an Alcohol and drug awareness class online. These are classes that have been developed on the internet in an effort to draw kids away from the dangers of alcohol and drugs. Kids seem to focus a lot more when they are on their computer, they can be taken in the comfort of their own home and without any of their peers to distract them like there would be in a classroom setting. The bottom line is that drugs and alcohol are prevalent and easily accessible in our society. The best thing you can do for your children is to give them a strong education on the repercussions of drug use. Online classes are the way to go.

5 of the Most Popular Illegal Drugs and How to Overcome Them

Alcohol addiction is ranked as the third most life threatening lifestyle disease. In the United States, approximately 79,000 deaths per year are related to alcohol use. Alcohol is found in malt or distilled liquor, wine, regular beer and distilled spirits. The amount of alcohol present in these drinks differs, with distilled liquor and spirits containing the highest amount of alcohol. People get alcohol from bars and pubs, restaurants as well as supermarkets. Besides alcohol, the following are other most used drugs:

• Marijuana. This drug is legal in some countries, but illegal in the United States without a prescription from a licensed doctor. It has some medicinal properties that have been found to be specifically helpful to cancer patients. However, it is more often used as a narcotic for relaxation and entertainment purposes. Its abuse can impart adverse effects on the user. The side effects of this drug affect the memory and motivation of the user. Most people who abuse this drug get it illegally from drug dealers who are found in and around high schools, or even adult friends. Popular terms used to refer to marijuana include hemp and weed.

• Cocaine. This drug comes from coca, a plant that is popularly grown in Latin America. This drug has been used to make pain- killers and refreshing drinks, because of its medicinal qualities and impacts on the energy levels of the user. However, it is one of the most popularly abused drugs, especially by the rich. Abuse of this drug leads to hallucinations, paranoia and an increase in heart rate while using. Although it is completely illegal in the United States, cocaine users get it from drug dealers and it is fairly easily accessible.

• Adderall. This is medication that is prescribed by physicians as a remedy for ADHD. It can help calm down and focus those with ADHD but is also an appetite suppressant and reacts like speed in the average person’s body. This medication has become more popular among college-aged kids and even new mom’s because it helps with weight loss and keeps your energy level up throughout the day. Its side effects include temporary insanity while on the medication. It is easily accessible from your medical physician if ADHD has been diagnosed for someone in the family.

• Heroin. This is a highly addictive drug that was once used to relieve coughs. Today it is unfortunately one of the most popular illegal drugs in our high schools. It has been said that it’s so addictive that trying it just once will get the person hooked. Side effects of Heroin use include shortness of breath, dry mouth, small pupils, cycles of hyper alertness followed by suddenly falling asleep and a droopy appearance. This drug is only accessible from drug dealers.

• LSD. This drug is illegal due to its life threatening effects. Its use is associated with visual hallucinations and strange experiences. Young people enjoy it because it takes you away from your daily troubles to a different, colorful, thought-provoking place. People who are high on the drug will often have dilated pupils, extreme changes in thought patterns, feelings on insight, confusion or paranoia and quickly changing emotions. While an individual is on LSD he is unable to make sensible judgments, which can lead to making dangerous choices. Long lasting side effects can include flashbacks and severe depression. People who abuse this drug get it from drug dealers.

For people who find themselves using any of these drugs in a manner that is adversely affecting their life, Alcohol and Drug Education classes online can help get on the road to sobriety.

All of these drugs mentioned can lead to serious health and behavior issues. Some include:

• Accidental injuries

• Risky sexual behaviors

• Violence

• Miscarriage

• Alcohol poisoning

• Neurological complications

• Cancer

• Social problems

• Liver diseases

• Cardiovascular diseases

• violence

Some of these effects are short-term while others are long-term and can eventually lead to death. Taking online classes can be a beneficial step towards recovery as they teach students information on the effects of alcohol and drug use, and how excessive use can lead to serious health issues.  One of the most popular interventions are alcohol awareness classes online.