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Alcohol Awareness Classes help Americans Tackle Tough Societal Problem

Alcohol consumption is a widespread social activity all throughout the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 50.9% of all adult Americans regularly consume alcohol and 13.6% drink on occasion. About 28,500 people die each year from alcohol related causes. About 15% of juveniles between the ages 12 – 17 consume alcohol and alcohol consumption among college age students has declined as well.

Even though drinking has declined over the years these statistics prove that Americans are still consuming a great amount of alcohol. People who are most susceptible to the use of alcohol are teenagers and young adults. These two groups are not the only ones who can succumb to the dangers since many middle aged adults also consume alcohol.

Alcohol awareness classes are given by drug prevention and treatment organizations. They are usually required of people when they break the law with the illegal or improper use of alcohol. Courts can order people to the take the courses as a part of probation requirement or for minor in possession classes. Sometimes alcohol awareness classes are given to minors and young adults through educational institutions or community organizations. Online alcohol awareness classes are available for people who are required to complete this material.

Individuals who are forced to attend an alcohol awareness class typically have to pay a fee which can cost $100 or more. Classes that are sponsored by educational institutions are typically free to attendees but in some cases payments must be received before the courses can be completed.

Many of the classes give attendees a lot of information about recognizing the signs of alcohol abuse, problems associated with drunk driving and how alcohol affects the body. They also inform students about the social and economic consequences of alcohol abuse and alcohol related accidents. Students are given information about how to control their emotions and stress since these two factors often contribute to the use of alcohol. There are some classes that also teach high school and college students about the importance of Minor alcohol abstinence. Classes are typically given during the evening hours or they might take place on Saturday morning.

There about 1.5 million arrests made each year for drunk driving or for an alcohol related crime. Many people who are arrested for this crime are between the ages of 21 to 40. Juveniles are also arrested within this group. Classes are an important part of the legal process for educating and informing people about the dangers and improper use of alcohol, especially on the road.

Many alcohol awareness classes are state certified and accredited by sponsoring organizations. The National Institute on Drug Abuse is a governmental organization that works to stem the problems associated with drug and alcohol usage within the United States. Programs that sponsor alcohol awareness classes sometimes utilize information and training materials provided by this federal agency. As the U.S. population grows within the next 10 to 20 years so will the use of alcohol and alcohol related crimes. Alcohol awareness classes are very important for educating and informing people about the dangers and problems associated with the improper and illegal use of alcohol.

MIP Classes and Alcohol Awareness Courses Help College and Universities

Alcohol awareness classes are not part of the regular curriculum for most colleges anywhere in the Untied States. Ironically, it's colleges and universities that have some of the highest binge drinking and alcohol related accidents in the United States. Many suggest that drug and alcohol awareness classes would be able to cut back on the use and abuse of alcohol and drugs. If it were to be made a required national standard, some suggest the graduation rate could grow anywhere from 10 to 25%.

The classes that the students take would open their minds to new options and opportunities to know how to deal with the pressure of drug use around friends. Alcohol abuse among college students is the number one cause of failed classes and drop out-rates.

If you want to raise the chances of becoming a successful college graduate, then taking drug and alcohol education classes are a must. There are more and more colleges and universities that require a drug and/or alcohol course for their general education classes. Unfortunately, this isn't a national requirement for all colleges, it's simply an option that can be implemented at the colleges discretion.


Not only does it help the students fight peer pressure when faced with drugs and alcohol, it gives them the ability to see when their friends are in serious need of intervention. It educates them with the tools they'll need to help themselves and their friends when, or if, they fall victim to a drug and alcohol addiction. With the tools afforded to them from these courses, they'll be able to know how to avoid harmful situations that could end up ruining their college career.

There have been multiple studies that prove it can be necessary for college students to go out. Being able to blow off a little steam and relax a little bit, can be absolutely necessary to keep a healthy learning mindset. Without relieving the stress that builds up from trying to keep ahead of all the classes, a student can go into academic overload. This type of overload on any student can cause him or her to falter in nearly every class. Blowing off stem is necessary, but still must be done in moderation.

Not only do the students benefit from alcohol and drug awareness courses, but the faculty does as well. When a school is known for alcohol and drug awareness and prevention, it can easily become known as a reputable school capable of a clean and reliable record of success.

If the teachers and students are certified in alcohol and drug awareness, then it will raise the effectiveness of the classes. The teachers who are educated in drug and alcohol awareness will be less likely to fall into the pit of addiction, making clearer speakers and better instructors.Alcohol related deaths can be viewed here.  Even prestigious schools such as Boston University have had deaths associated with problem drinking

The MIP classes will also help the students become aware of what dangerous situations will look like and how to get out of them as quickly as possible. If the entire faculty of the school, as well as the students, are required to take alcohol drug classes, it will create an added sense of togetherness, wisdom, and prevention. That alone will draw a larger population of students and increase the school and students reputation for graduation.

Alcohol Awareness Classes Help Teens Fight Peer Pressure

Peer pressure is the number one influence in a teenagers every day life. Many parents might think that their teens actions are mainly influenced by the parents, but in today's society this just isn't as true as it once was. Much of a teenagers behavior, especially behavior like drinking alcohol, can be caused by peer pressure from the wrong types of "friends." Alcohol awareness classes can help teens fight peer pressure and be prepared to be their own person.


The biggest reason that teens drink as a result of peer pressure is simple, they want to be accepted by the group he or she is trying to fit with. This influence can cause many teens to become fully dependent on alcohol before they hit 17 years old. The best way to counteract this dangerous path isn't just by removing the negative types of peer pressure, but reinforcing your teen with positive types of peer pressure, such as the learning challenges of alcohol awareness courses.


Alcohol awareness classes or "Minor in Possession Classes" as they are often called, are great for young teens just entering high school, or even middle school. These classes will help them learn effective techniques that will assist them to fight off the peer pressure they'll surely encounter. The type of education that an alcohol awareness class can offer will show them the proper application of positive peer pressure. It can give them the ability of helping him or herself that may not have been achieved on their own. 


There is more than one way to get your teen enrolled in alcohol awareness classes. First, there are the traditional live classes, then, there are also the more modern in-home classes that are done online. In the traditional live classes, there are several down falls but one sure positive.


The down falls of the traditional classrooms are commute time, rearranging work and school schedules, and even the group aspect of it all. It can be very embarrassing to sit in a big group with other students. The embarrassment and shyness can be keep them from learning the most important information in the class.


There is one big positive in going to a traditional classroom alcohol awareness class, it's the live instructor. Few things can beat a professional and knowledgeable alcohol awareness instructor, but sadly, few are that knowledgeable. That fact make the second option a sure fire way to learn.


When considering online alcohol awareness class, the student will be at ease when absorbing the lessons he or she will need to know to effectively fight peer pressure when faced with option of drinking alcohol and even drugs. If your teen is comfortable and at ease with the learning environment, he or she will be ready to learn.


If you combine that with the fact that no will know, he or she will be much more likely to remember and utilize what the lessons are designed to teach. These goals of these lessons will be achieved step by step, culminating in a final goal. With the lessons your teen learns heading toward this goal, their alcohol awareness certificate, they will be able to apply their own means of self-control over unpredictable situations. This will give them the power to make the right decisions with certainty.


This class isn't just for raising a teens confidence level, but the parents confidence in their teen as well. After a teen has completed an alcohol awareness class the parent can start to build, or rebuild a trust but verify relationship. That will allow the child to earn more freedom back as he gains more space. It is possible to effectively educate your teen about the threat of alcoholism and how to avoid the peer pressure, which can causes many to repeatedly drink and possible end their life in jail or in a casket.

Drug and Alcohol Awareness Classes Help in Addressing Marijuana Problem

There are close to 90 million people who live within the United States that are addicted to some form of narcotic or alcohol substance. This means that 1 out of every 4 Americans will run the risk of being hooked to some type of drug or some form of alcohol during their lifetime. One way that the government, state and community organizations address this issue is through the use of education. Education classes are made available to the public and segments of the population that are at risk. Preventing alcoholism or lowering the use of marijuana among teenagers could be two goals for this type of instruction. Drug and awareness classes help in addressing marijuana problem which can be a problem for some children within different communities across the country.

There are a variety of drug awareness classes that deal with the problem of marijuana. Most of these classes are made available through local schools, hospital, mental health, community centers and outreach programs. Many of the classes are targeted toward teenagers and young adults since they are the most at risk portion of the population when it comes to marijuana usage. It is estimated that at least 5% of the population consistently uses marijuana on a daily basis and at least 7% smokes this substance at least once per month. Statistics also reveal that 1 out of every 12 adolescents between the ages of 12-18 has access to marijuana. According to statistics provided by the National Institute on Drug Abuse at least 42% of all high school seniors tried marijuana at least one time before they reached age 18. It is estimated that marijuana is most abused in high density college states such as Arizona, and Massachusetts.

When classes are taught to teenagers and adults issues such as the long term impacts from marijuana use are addressed. Students are presented with information about marijuana's affect on the human body and their emotional states. Marijuana has been known to lead to anxiety attacks, depression, schizophrenia and mental illness. Marijuana is also known to place users at a greater risk for stress and violence. This drug significantly increases the heart rate and could possibly cause a user to die from cardiac related problems and it contains carcinogens which irritate the lungs. This drug also interferes with a person's daily life activities, their social stability and their ability to maintain employment.

Marijuana classes also instruct students about the medicinal aspects of marijuana usage. Many people wrongly assume that it is okay to smoke marijuana as long as it's for medical reasons such as in cases of glaucoma and breast cancer. Most classes won't argue that this substance can help to alleviate the problems associated with these conditions but they're also quick to point out that marijuana usage might not be the best way to deal with the symptoms associated with these medical ailments. Younger people should also keep in mind that medicinal marijuana is often made in the form of pills and not rolled and smoked in the form of a "joint".

Since these classes are designed to prevent marijuana use they usually are free to the public. Many organizations are given grants and private donations that goes toward sponsoring classes. Some classes might require a fee and if they do it usually is relatively inexpensive to attend. One inexpensive and highly effective way of gaining skills is to take  Drug and Alcohol Awareness Classes online.

Online Drug and Alcohol Classes Prevent Tragedies

While many online alcohol and drug prevention classes are intended for those who were, “busted by the cops,” the classes may adversely prove to be a very positive force in their life. It has the ability to cause a turn around for the substance abuser.  This, indeed, is good for everyone.

Often times what one gets out of a circumstance is not what he/she initially thought was going to be the case.  However, after being forced to take such a class in order to meet a court order, during the session may open one’s eyes to the true danger that alcohol and drug abuse can indeed cause. For the user and those around them.  Ultimately, taking one of these classes could quite literally save the life of a the user, friend, family member, or stranger. 

The number of deaths caused by driving under the influence, drug over dose, or alcohol poisoning has noticeably increased over the past decade.  Each death is an unnecessary tragedy that could have been prevented if caught in time. 

These classes bring about real life statistics and situations that have taken lives.  It allows the student to pause and ponder the potential result of their actions if they do not seek the help needed to help them overcome their disease.  While the online class does not take the place of a live physician and team of doctors to help the user deal with the problem, it does bring an awareness that help is needed.  Accepting that fact is the first step toward seeking a cure.
Some substance abusers may even take note of their problem in private, but are not yet ready to go public with their problem.  Earnestly seeking help online in private may be all that they can handle in the beginning.  Thanks to online drug classes, this is possible. It can help them truly recognize the repercussion of their actions to self and others … as well as potential fatal accidents that may occur while under the influence.  Once enlightened to the truth in a safe place, the possibility of their deciding to go the next step and seek ongoing help off line is hopeful.  With any healing process, the first step is usually the hardest : no longer living in denial.

Substance abuse does not discriminate in ethnicity, gender, or demographic location. It can hit anyone anywhere under a number of unfortunate circumstances.  The good news is that victory over the problem can be had by all by education in alcohol awareness classes