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Information on 8 Hour Alcohol Awareness Classes and Minor In Possession Courses

Why Take an 8 Hour Alcohol Awareness Class?

The 8 hour, level 1 drug and alcohol awareness class is commonly requested by courts, employers and schools. This is due to several reasons. Most first time offenders are required this length class as opposed to longer length programs such as an 16 hour, level two alcohol awareness class, or a 24 hour level 3 alcohol awareness program. The 8 hour / session class is also an excellent resource for those that looking for an introductional course on alcohol or drug awareness.. The course gives a good overview of the risks and consequences of alcohol and/or drug addiction.

Who Takes Longer Drug/Alcohol Awareness Classes?

Longer programs, such as the 16 hour (level 2) or 24 hour (level) programs are typically taken where there is either a more severe offense requiring such a class to be taken or the person simply wants a more expansive and comprehensive program. The 16 and 24 hour classes require much more time and engagement in the program and are also a bit more difficult then the standard 8 hour course.

Not All Courses are for Legal Reasons!

Classes can be taken for a variety of reasons and not everyone taking an alcohol or drug education class is doing because they are required to for legal reasons. Many college university's request that all students take these classes as part of an overall risk prevention strategy before starting their freshman year. Because early prevention is key to reducing alcohol and drug abuse, an 8 hour educational class on alcohol awareness is often a smart, proactive choice on the part of the college administration.

Another reason people elect to take these classes is simply for personal growth or self-improvement. Getting help for an addiction can often be challenging. The beauty of an online class is that you don't have to confess your life to a group of strangers while still taking in a high quality learning experience.

Finding an Alcohol Awareness Class?

It's typically not difficult to find an alcohol awareness class, minor in possession (MIP, MIC) class or other drug education program. These courses are commonly offered by most in/out patient treatment facilities. They are also offered online by a select few reputable providers. A simple Google search for "Alcohol Awareness Classes" might be a good place to start or by visiting Alcohol Drug Class

Minors are Most in Need of Alcohol Awareness to Prevent Addiction and Abuse

Prevention is the key to change.  
More than any other age group on the planet, teenagers are the most at risk for becoming addicted to alcohol or drugs than anyone else.  Numerous scientific studies support that teenage drinkers and users of drugs become addicted more quickly than adults do.  There are a variety of reason for this.  This is partially due to a lack of maturity in decision making, but also at a biological level in relationship to brain and body development.  The less developed or fully matured brain simply becomes more susceptible to addiction than an adult brain.  

For many years the smoking industry marketed highly to teens but in ways that were not obvious.  The multi-billion dollar alcohol industry is no so different than its cousin the smoker.  There is a reason why certain drinks are more appealing to young people than older people.  Back in the 80's the "Wine Cooler" was the drink of choice for most high school parties.  Now we see a mixture of caffeinated drinks and alcohol which can have a lethal effect.

Youngsters need early education as a way to better understand the risks and consequences associated with drinking and using drugs.  Of course, parents can play a vital role in helping youth, but not enough.  Most teenagers are interested, even fascinated by the facts about alcohol and drugs.  When this information is presented in a way that is appealing to them, they are more inclined to want to gain knowledge about this intricate and compelling topic.

Teenagers in our current generation aren't "techies" by choice, but rather because technology is part of the world we live in today, learning this information by computer is probably the most effective route.  A simple, yet well constructed Minor in Possession class online is an effective intervention that every teen should experience.

What can teens expect to learn?

    Alcohol and Drug Abuse Risk Factors
    The cost of Abuse and Addiction
    Understanding Narcotics, Stimulants, Prescriptions, Marijuana, Methamphetamine
    Health Risks of Alcohol and Drug Use
    How Drugs effect the Brain, Central Nervous System and Body
    Risk Factors for teenagers
    Diseases associated with alcohol and drug use
    Communication Skills as Prevention
    Skills in Stress Management
    Consequences and Risks of use with Minors
    Understanding Use, Abuse, Addiction, Relapse and Prevention

While the focus of this article is on teen prevention, I certainly do not want to omit the fact that adults need help too.  Gaining skills in alcohol awareness and drug education is crucial for becoming a more educated person.  Taking an alcohol awareness class might be your first step in understanding the facts!

Teens Risky Drinking Habits At All Time High

When Do Teenagers Drink the Most?
If you don't think your son or daughter drinks, think again.  If you think your teen hasn't been exposed to drugs or alcohol, think again.  Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking; this includes about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drownings (1–5).  The reality is youth in America will drink in high school. 

What Can we do to Help the Problem?
Parents, teachers and those who are in a position to influence your son or daughter can play a vital role in their safety.  Education is the key to making well informed choices.  Teens need to better understand the risks and consequences associated with drinking, or more common in high school, "binge drinking".  Teens are most at risk for binge drinking due to their need to gain acceptance among their peers and a higher rate of impulsive behavior.  Bring drinking happens mostly by teenagers fond and embraced use of drinking "games".  Some common games that turn into binge drinking include, "quarters", card games, beer "bongs", and various other games that produce high volume drinking in short time spans.

Prom time Sparks Dangers for Teens and Drinking
As the school year closes, so do the chances of teen alcohol abuse.  It is estimated that almost 80% of all teenagers will drink on prom night.  It is no surprise that last month marked "Alcohol Awareness Month" as this is the season for high school dances, graduations, and risky behaviors.  In 2005, during Prom and Graduation Season (April, May, June), 676 students under the age of 21 were killed in alcohol-related traffic crashes, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 

What Can we Do to Help?
Adolescents who are most at risk will benefit from taking an educational class, commonly called an alcohol awareness class orminor in possession class.  These classes can be commonly found online and taken from any location in the United States with a computer and Internet access.  Parents can also benefit from these courses, as they can also learn what precautions to take to better help their child from becoming a statistic.  As the saying goes, knowledge is power, and teens to have a better understanding of the risks of alcohol or drug use are going to make the best and most informed decisions about their life.

Can One Learn to Stop Being Addicted to Alcohol or Drugs?

Can One Stop Being an Addict?
Is there a magic pill one can take to stop drinking and no longer be an alcoholic or drug addict?  To date, some alcoholics are given Antabuse, a powerful drug that makes anyone who consumes an alcoholic beverage very sick.  While the drug is effective, it is still not the antidote to alcoholism, it simply creates a violent physical reaction to the alcohol which in turn creates a dislike for drinking.  The craving for alcohol; however, still does not go away while taking the drug.

So is there a cure?  The data and research to date suggests there really isn't a cure for alcoholism; however, an alcoholic can become sober for a lifetime if she or he chooses to do so.  The clear cut choice in stopping drinking is to simply abstain from it all together.  The problem of course, is that it is nearly impossible to avoid alcohol from the time we enter grade school primarily the high school and college years.  The second problem is that not everyone becomes an addict or knows that he or she is predisposed to alcoholism (or drug addiction).

One of the best choices a person can make is to become more educated about the risks and consequences of alcohol and/or drug use at the earliest age possible and continue to reinforce that message over time.  Early education is quite simply, the key to prevention.  The earlier one learns the potentially negative effects of substance use, the better informed they can be to make wiser decisions in their life.  

How can one obtain better education on this topic?
One simple way is to take online alcohol awareness classes or if you are under 21 a minor in possession class online.  Programs such as these, offered by a reputable provider are an ideal resource for both teens and parents to gain important skills and knowledge about a topic that plagues so many people.  The advantage to taking an distance learning class is that the barrier to entry is so easy.  Classes can be taken day/night 24 hours a day from any computer with Internet access.  For teenagers, these classes should really be mandatory prior to starting high school or at the very least, college.  As the saying goes, knowledge is power.  Get the knowledge you need today.  It could change your life forever.

Understand the Facts About Alcohol Awareness Classes

So, What is Alcohol Awareness vs. Alcohol Treatment?
There is a enormous difference between alcohol awareness classes and treatment for alcohol or substance abuse.  Often these two types of programs get confused, particularly when there is a requirement to take a class of this nature.  This entry is aimed at helping better understand these programs and your options.

Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation
Alcohol and Drug rehab is designed to foster a program for helping people learn overcome their physical and psychological addiction to alcohol or drugs.  During the rehabilitation journey, the individual will go through three different stages of treatment: alcohol detoxification, counseling and after care. Each one of the processes is designed to treat a different aspect of addiction.  Components of addiction can include the physical, psychological and social.  Alcohol and Drug rehabilitation can also come in the form of either In-Patient or Out-Patient treatment.  In patient rehabilitation means that the client is living at the facility for a designated period of time, typically 30, 60 or 90 days.  During their stay, patients can expect to go through various stages of growth and development in the healing process of addiction.  In out-patient treatment the client is likely living at home or in a safe environment from alcohol or drugs and attending daily sessions at the treatment center.  The rehabilitation center can advise as to which format is right for any person or situation.

Alcohol Awareness Classes and Drug Education Classes
These are educational programs designed to help educate people about the risks and consequences associated with alcohol or drug use and abuse.  Most often these courses are either required by the court, school, an employer, probation, or taken as a preventative measure simply for personal growth.  Alcohol awareness classes usually come in the form of either a Level 1 (8 hour) class, a Level 2 (16 Hour class) or a Level 3 (24 Hour) class.  These courses can also be offered for those under 21 years of age and are often called Minor in Possession Classes or Minor in Consumption Classes (MIP, MIC).  They are not meant to replace an In/Out patient treatment program nor medical or psychological counseling.  They are simply offered to educate the client on how to better understand the issues surround the use of alcohol or drugs and will offer suggestions on making changes in ones life.

Education is the Key to Change
There is a movement towards the use of best practice.  Educating both adults and youth on the hazards of alcohol and drug use and abuse can create a safer life experience for everyone.  Education opens the doorway to change.  Taking an alcohol awareness class can be that first step to change.