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Educate College Bound Students With An Online Alcohol And Drug Class

A study that was recently published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs reinforces how important it is to talk to your teenagers about alcohol use and abuse before sending them off to college. The research from Professor Robert Turrisi at Penn State was trying to figure out when the best timing is for parent alcohol awareness intervention. As part of the study, parents were asked to read a handbook to their kids that contained an overview of strategies and techniques for communicating effectively, ways to help teens overcome peer pressure and develop assertiveness and information on how alcohol affects the body. The parents were asked to talk to their teens either 1) during the summer before college, 2) during the summer before college and again during the fall semester of freshman year or 3) during the fall semester of freshman year.

The results of the study showed that parents should educate their teens before they enter college. Those teens that had spoken with their parents about alcohol and were educated on the risks and repercussions of use were more likely to stay in a non-drinking or light-drinking category. According to Turrisi, “It is well known that fewer drinking problems develop for every year that heavy drinking is delayed.” Parents have the ability to play a strong role in reducing their child’s alcohol-related drinking by educating them early on.

In this study, parents used a handbook to help guide the conversation. Another way to approach this is to have your child take an online alcohol awareness class prior to leaving home for college. The fact is that the drinking environment is hugely present on most university campuses. Arming your child with the facts he or she needs to help him walk away from pressures to partake in the partying atmosphere is a tool they can carry with them for the next four years.

Online alcohol and drug awareness classes are an extremely informative, interesting and convenient way to learn the material. Most teenagers enjoy using technology, so online classes are the best way to disseminate the material. All the student needs is a web-based computer device and the course can be taken in the comfort of home. Nothing needs to be downloaded or printed out, so there’s no need to be in an office or classroom environment. Students can login and out as many times as they would like, and at any time of the day or night. This is a perfect situation for the teenager who seems to get a burst of energy late at night. The computer program will hold the last spot, so when the teen reenters the class, they are ready to continue from where they left off.

A high quality online alcohol class that is designed by a psychotherapist and expert in the field is filled with the most current information on alcohol and drug use and abuse. Topics covered include an overview of the different substances that are out there, the short and long-term health risks, the legal repercussions involved with getting caught for underage substance abuse and the skills necessary to avoid alcohol and drugs altogether.

Listen to the experts and give your college bound student the chance to gain alcohol and drug awareness skills before leaving home. Their future depends on it.

Online Alcohol and Drug Awareness Classes Give Participants Freedom

Alcoholism can have many negative effects on your health and life. One impact a high consumption of alcohol can have results in alcohol liver disease. This is a disease that occurs in individuals as a result of prolonged alcohol consumption. It is typified by inflammation in the liver and if it goes untreated for a long period of time, cirrhosis - which is the final phase of the ailment - may also occur. While the disease is common in both sexes, medical research has shown that women are more prone than men. Symptoms include fatigue, pain and swelling in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting, weight loss and decreased appetite and bleeding in the lower parts of the esophagus. Others include pale skin, lightheadedness and redness on the feet. This is a path that no one wants to end up on. It can result in early death.

For many, admitting a problem with alcohol is a difficult subject to face. One way to go about addressing the issue in a private way is to consider enrolling in an online alcohol awareness class to learn more about the risks and consequences thereof. With the availability and popularity of current technology, more and more people are seeking help online. Taking an online class comes with loads of benefits, one of them being the unmatched convenience. It obliterates the need to travel in order to attend a class, which means you can learn while still going on with your daily activities. You can stay in the comfort of your own home, throw in a load of laundry, and sit down to learn new skills in overcoming and avoiding alcohol and drug abuse. Furthermore, online classes are not only cost-effective but secure payments are also guaranteed. This gives you the peace of mind, knowing that none of your personal information will be shared.

As an online alcohol awareness participant, you have the freedom to schedule your class around work or family obligations. The classes are available 24/7 and all you need to set the ball rolling is a computer and reliable Internet connection. This sets them apart from traditional classes where you have to follow the pace set by the instructor. It is worthwhile noting that online classes have all the crucial components that you will find in conventional classes in institutions. They are generally even more up to date because new studies and research can easily be incorporated into the online curriculum while a traditional class might use workbooks that are years old.

Online alcohol and drug awareness classes give the participant complete privacy so there is no need to be worried about other’s judgments, shyness or self-esteem issues. Furthermore, the online courses are tailored to adequately address your areas of concern such as the long-term effects of alcohol consumption. The topics covered are aimed at helping you make smart choices regarding your health and life in general. All this is to ensure you lead a quality and productive life, devoid of alcohol-related ailments such as the alcohol liver disease. In addition to this, the classes also have linked resources where you can seek further advice and guidance regarding your alcohol problem.

It is imperative that you enroll in a reputable online alcohol awareness class in order to reap the maximum benefits. The Internet is awash with sub-standard classes and therefore it is good to ensure the class you want to join has substantial recommendations. Good advice is to check that the designer of the program is a licensed expert in the field; the company has an A+ BBB rating and offer a customer service help line so you can talk to someone if you have any questions.

A 12-Hour Alcohol and Drug Class Could Wipe Your Slate Clean!

There are a variety of reasons that you might be ordered by the court to take an alcohol and drug awareness class. It might be public intoxication, a DUI offense, a minor who has been caught in possession of alcohol or drugs, or because you were caught with paraphernalia. Sometimes customers tell us that it’s been years since the original offense occurred and they thought they had taken care of it, but when trying to get a new drivers license, the offense still pulls up. Old paperwork is missing, they don’t reside in the city that they were cited anymore and they need to take a class again to finally get this off their record. If it’s the first and only offense, individuals are usually ordered to take an 8 or 12-hour alcohol and drug awareness class.

With the advancement of technology, these offenders are happy to find that many courts across the country now accept online alcohol and drug awareness classes. All you need to do is check with the judge, probation officer or court system that is requiring the class, and confirm that they will accept a distance learning or online course. Online classes can be accessed from any computer device that is connected to the Internet, from anywhere in the U.S. and Canada. The client simply registers for the level or length of class that the court is requiring. Once enrolled, the class is available on your computer screen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This means that you can login and logout of the class whenever you have the time in your busy schedule and go completely at your own pace. The computer holds your last spot, so when you reenter the class you are able to keep moving forward. Furthermore, with gas prices being so expensive across the country, online classes not only save you the hassle of driving across town to a traditional classroom, but the cost in gas and parking.

At the end of the course, a short multiple-choice test is issued. With a 70% or better, you have successfully completed the program. Included in the cost of the course is a Certificate of Completion. This can be downloaded as well as shipped overnight if necessary. This is the documentation that is shown to the court to prove you fulfilled the court order.

A high quality online alcohol and drug awareness class will cover all the topics that the court is looking for. Education includes:

  • Who is at risk for addiction
  • How use and abuse effects the individual and their family
  • Understanding the different substances
  • The effects of drugs and alcohol on the brain, central nervous and body
  • Health repercussions
  • Skills in stress management and communication to prevent abuse
  • Techniques to assist in overcoming abuse problems

The goal of these classes is to teach participants how and why to stop the behavior. Taking them online will save you the stress and added hassle of having to get back into a classroom situation again. Check with your judge today!

Online Minor In Possession Classes Teach Teenagers The Reasons To Avoid Illegal Substances

Parents take note! It is common or teenagers to experiment with drugs and alcohol. Most of us can remember that feeling of being young and indestructible, or just unaware of what the potential risks of this behavior are. Unfortunately, young adults under the influence of these substances tend to take more dangerous chances. More than 10,000 young people are killed and 40,000 are injured in alcohol related accidents in the U.S. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the average age of that first taste of alcohol can be before 12 and 14 for marijuana. These two drugs can act as “gateway” drugs to cocaine, heroine and even Ecstasy.

Some of the warning signs that your child might be abusing drugs or alcohol include:

  • Red and glazed eyes
  • Fatigue
  • Sudden mood changes
  • Irresponsible behavior and rule breaking
  • A general lack of interest
  • New friends that you don’t know
  • Drop in grades and lack of interest in school
  • Withdrawal from the family
  • Weight gain or loss

Teenagers want to fit in and can be highly influenced by their peer group. In high school, kids start going to parties in which parents even supply the alcohol as long as no one drives. This all contributes to increased chances of running in to legal problems as well. We often have parents calling in asking about our Minor In Possession classes because their child has been caught with an open container at a party that was closed down by police, or with marijuana at the park, or sometimes even at school.

If you are concerned about the path your child is taking, or if he or she has been cited for a MIP violation, have your child take an MIP class online. Minor in Possession classes are basically alcohol and drug education classes that are also designed to meet court or legal requirements. They can be taken simply to teach young adults about the risks and ramifications of substance abuse, or as a solution to fulfill a court requirement. Students will learn about the different types of drugs and alcohol, the short and long-term health risks that they expose their mind and body to, and what the consequences of underage use and abuse will be. Students also learn techniques to overcome and avoid usage through improved stress management and communication skills. The goal of the course is to walk away with a new understanding of the negative impact drug and alcohol use now, will have on the rest of their lives.

The most affordable and convenient way to take these educationally based classes is online. With the prevalence of Smartphones, Ipads, laptops and PCs in most homes, distance-learning classes have become more and more popular. Simply register online for either a basic 8-hour level 1 Minor In Possession class or find out from the court if a lengthier 12, 16, 20 or 24-hour class is required. Once you register online, the class becomes immediately available on any web-based computer screen. Then the teenager can go at his or her own pace to learn the material. Classes are available online 24/7, so they can be fit in to whenever there is free time. Nothing needs to be printed out or downloaded, so students can sit in the private, comfortable environment of their own home rather than having to get a ride across town to a traditional classroom program.

Help your child learn the reasons why they shouldn’t get involved with drugs and alcohol by taking an online MIP class today!

Utilize Your Technology By Taking A Drug Awareness Class Online!

Drug addiction or substance dependence, is an individual's compulsive need to use drugs in order to function in every day life. Drug addicts lose the ability to pay close attention or be concerned with the detrimental impact they are having on their health. For this reason, many usually end up causing both physical and emotional harm to themselves and the people around them. Currently, some of the most abused drugs include cocaine, marijuana and heroin.

Common signs of drug abuse:

When you suspect that your loved one is abusing drugs, you might want to confirm your suspicions first before confronting him or her. The best way to do this is to start by looking for the following 3 signs that can help you prove your concerns:

1) Pupil changes: Drug abuse can at times cause the eye pupils to appear larger. Unlike the eyes of a healthy person, the eyes of an addict usually fail to respond to light. Rather than decreasing in size, the pupils of an addict usually stay dilated even when they are exposed to very bright light.

2) Unusual sleeping patterns: an individual who abuses drugs might change their schedule by staying up late into the night, and then sleep it off during the day. With time, such individuals usually find it difficult to sleep during the day or night. This normally happens when their addictions take a stronger hold and the level of drug use increases to higher levels.

3) Change in physical appearance: This is basically one of the best indicators of an addict. According to research, the physical appearances of drug addicts usually change drastically over a very short period of time. Many of them usually end up losing a lot of weight and sense of cleanliness. Rather than working on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, many of them usually dedicate their time on seeking their next high.

With the improvement and accessibility to modern technology, online drug education classes are becoming more and more popular. Unlike ordinary classes, online classes usually provide addicts with an opportunity of learning how to overcome their addictions in the safe environment of their homes. Some of the topics discussed in such classes include understanding drug addiction, understanding the different drug classes, how drugs affect development, resources for creating sustainable change and coping skills for staying clean.

Hidden benefits of taking a drug education class online:

First, you will be able to maintain your privacy and dignity. Online classes can provide the education and support towards complete recovery without necessarily involving a lot of people. Basically, when you decide to go with this particular option, you will be able to avoid any embarrassment, since all your classes will be done at home away from the public eye. Secondly, you will be able to save a lot of money. Compared to bricks and mortar classes, online drug education classes can be less expensive because the programs don’t have to pay location overhead. Also, the participant doesn’t have to pay for gas and parking to get to the classroom.

Online programs can also fulfill court and work requirements. Just check with employers and your jurisdiction first to make sure they are on track with accepting online classes. Then the participant simply registers for the correct class length and the program is available to them 24/7, whenever they login. Many clients like the online option because they can take the class in a more timely manner than in an old-fashioned classroom. Traditional classes are generally held for one hour once a week, so it could take 3 months to complete a 12-hour alcohol and drug awareness class. When you take it online, you have the added benefit of deciding to do it all in one day or a little bit each day over a few weeks.

Online classes are not only a more affordable, convenient and timely way to go, but the material in an online class is constantly updated with the most cutting edge research based tools and skills. No using old workbooks, online classes are in the moment!