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Help Your Kids Say No To Underage Drinking With An Online Alcohol Awareness Class

It’s hard as parents of teenagers to always have our eyes on them. We do our best at home to instill a sense of responsibility. We try to be good role models and teach them about the risks of drinking and taking drugs. But at some point they will be at a party, or at a friend’s house where they are exposed to these substances. If they make it through high school without a chance to try it, most definitely college life will open those doors.

According to a study published in 2011 from the University of Michigan, out of 20,000 teenagers, one-third of 8th graders in the U.S. reported that they had already tried alcohol. By 10th grade, more than half say that they’ve had their first drink and the number goes up to 70% by 12 th grade. These kids are generally not getting the alcohol from their parents, but at parties and from friends. Further studies show that the earlier an adolescent starts drinking, the more prone they will be to alcoholism when they get older. And, teenagers whose friends drink alcohol are three times as likely to start drinking as well.

According to one researcher with the "Family history doesn't necessarily drive the age of first drink," notes Kuperman, who has studied teen drinking for more than a decade. "It's access. At that age (14 or 15), access trumps all. As they get older, then family history plays a larger role." He also notes that there it’s likely that it’s the peer pressure that’s getting kids to drink.

The best thing we can do as parents is to give our kids the tools they need to be able to comfortably and confidently just say no. This starts with educating our kids about the risks and repercussions of using drugs and alcohol and supplying them with specific alternatives. An excellent way to do this is to enroll your child or children in alcohol and drug awareness classes online. Look at it like an after-school enrichment program that you can provide for them in the comfort of your own home. With school budgetary issues across the country, you can be sure that they are not receiving the health education like we did as teenagers.

A 16-hour online alcohol class provides the reasons why kids should say no. You might have already had this discussion with them 100 times. However, we all know that sometimes the topic coming from a third party, a licensed and practicing therapist and authority in the field, might just help it to sink in. They will learn all of the detrimental effects that drugs and alcohol have on the brain, body and social life. Classes specifically cover how these substances will change their ability to safely drive so they will think twice about ever getting behind the wheel while intoxicated. In addition, the long-term health risks are also discussed. Teenagers will walk away after spending a couple weeks on this with new skills in stress management and communication. Skills to help them walk away and not look back.

Teenagers particularly like taking these classes online because they can stay in the relaxed atmosphere of their home and don’t need to feel embarrassed in a classroom full of strangers. Parents can take the program right along side their kids so encourage discussion and answer any questions that might arise.

Have your adolescent take an online alcohol and drug awareness class as a preventative measure! Studies show that you will be happy you did!

Online MIP Classes Save Everyone Involved From Additional Stress!

Has your son or daughter been caught for a Minor in Possession offense? Anyone who is under the age of 21 and is found with alcohol in their possession is committing a misdemeanor criminal offense. This doesn’t mean that your child has to be intoxicated, but the citation can also apply if the minor is holding someone else’s drink, is in a car where alcohol is present or if there is a pitcher of beer in front him with cups scattered around the table. If your child has been cited for this offense, then the judge will most likely require an alcohol and drug awareness class as part of the retribution, along with fines, a 30 day revocation of his license and community service work.

Taking an online MIP class is the easiest and most convenient way to fulfill the requirement. The curriculum of the online alcohol and drug class is similar to what they would learn at an in-person class, but the young adult can take it from their own home. Programs are designed to teach your son or daughter the education they need to understand why alcohol use is dangerous at any age, but especially while they are still so young. The goal of the court system is to assign these classes so that the situation doesn’t repeat itself.

Look for a legitimate program that is created by a licensed and practicing family therapist and specialist in the field. This will allow you to rest assured that the minor will get a thorough education about the risks to his mind, body and those around him when under the influence. He will also learn what the repercussions will be if he is caught for a second offense.

Online classes require a one-time fee. There is no additional charge for books or paperwork because all the material is presented on the screen in front of you. Teenagers who have grown up using computers particularly like this way of learning. Taking the class on a web-based computer at home allows the minor to choose whenever it is convenient for him to login and out of the class. One of the best aspects of taking an online MIP class is that it can generally be completed more quickly than going into a classroom. Traditional classes are usually scheduled for 1 hour a week. So, if he has an 8-hour requirement, it will take 2 months to complete. However, online he can get the class done in one day or one week if he chooses. It’s all up to him, not a learning institution.

So, how does the online MIP class work? It is in fact quite easy to complete the various chapters of the program. All your son or daughter has to do is to read through each chapter one by one. At the end of the course, the student takes a multiple-choice final exam. Once he passes with a 70% or better, a Certificate of Completion is sent to you. This is the document that you present to the court to prove the requirement was fulfilled.

Most courts across the country accept online courses. However, you should always check first with your judge or legal system to make sure they will approve a distance learning class. Some jurisdictions require in-person attendance instead. It’s worth taking the time to get approval, as you will be happy that you don’t need to drive your child across town during rush hour traffic to get to a class. Save yourself stress, and enroll your child in an online MIP class to fulfill legal requirements.

Use Online Alcohol and Drug Classes To Educate Minors About Substance Abuse

Alcohol and drug dependence represent a major health issue all over the world. In the U.S., there are many different ways to try to learn about, treat and overcome addiction. Individuals can choose from one-on-one behavioral therapy, AA and other group meetings, and online courses. Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet that can solve this issue, but starting out with an 8-hour online alcohol and drug awareness class will put you on the right path towards recovery.

Education about substance abuse should be given to our kids as early as middle school. Most teenagers get involved with drugs and alcohol because of curiosity, stress, and peer pressure or to feel more popular. At first, at low-levels it might seem enjoyable but as the desire grows, so does the level of drinking and type of drugs. However, if kids are prepared with the proper education about the types of substance abuse and the negative risks and repercussions on their health and life, they might think twice before engaging in this behavior.

It seems like daily we read about the trials and tribulations of various high profile young adults like Lindsay Lohan. Obviously exposure to alcohol at an early age combined with a lack of parental role modeling has contributed to her trials and tribulations in her twenties. When it comes to this subject, it’s important that parents don’t try to act like friends, but instead take a strong role in providing guidance away from this behavior.

Online alcohol and drug education classes are an excellent resource to use to help teach our kids why they should stay away from these substances. A high quality course will explain the different types of drugs and alcohol available (legally or illegally) and how they affect the brain, nervous system and body. Young adults will also learn the potential dangers that a person under the influence can have on others, as well as the legal ramifications of getting caught as a minor-in-possession. It’s all information that your teen will keep with them for the rest of their lives and will hopefully contribute to better judgment when they are around these substances.

Online classes are extremely easy to navigate. Simply register and the class becomes immediately available on any Internet based computer device like an Ipad, PC or laptop. You and your kids can sit in the privacy, quiet and comfort of your own home and learn the material together or you can just have the child scroll through the course on her own. If you take it together, it gives you an excellent opportunity to discuss the material and talk about different situations the child might find herself in. When the class is done, a multiple-choice final exam is issued to make sure the student understood and grasped the information. If not, you can go back and review the material as many times as you’d like until the final is successfully passed.

Give your children the tools they need to avoid drugs and alcohol. Sign-up for an online alcohol and drug awareness class today!

Take An Online Drug Class To Prevent Prescription Painkiller Abuse

Federal officials report that the number of people seeking treatment for prescription painkiller use is rising! According to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Services Administration, about 22 million Americans have misused prescription painkillers since 2002. As a result, the number of people who are seeking treatment for drug use quadrupled between 2004 and 2010. This is a problem that is reaching epidemic proportions and one solution to combat it head on is through education.

Researchers attribute the increase in these numbers to the onslaught of marketing by drug makers, the over prescribing by doctors, and patients getting the same prescription from multiple doctors. Doctors with the best intentions want to help patients manage pain by prescribing these medications. It’s up to the consumer to responsibly follow directions with the ultimate goal of weaning oneself off. It’s also the responsibility of these individuals as parents, to make sure that the medication is not easily available for adolescents to get their hands on. Often prescription medicines are shelved in a bathroom cabinet and inquisitive teens will skim a couple of pills off the top, assuming no one will notice.

According to SAMHSA, the seven states with highest rates of narcotic painkiller abuse are:

1) Arizona

2) Colorado

3) Idaho,

4) Nevada

5) New Mexico

6) Oregon

7) Washington

The four states with the lowest rates are:

1) Illinois

2) North Dakota

3) South Dakota

4) Iowa

Advocates are calling for stricter rules to regulate the supply of this medication. However, research also shows that education is the key to prevention. A high quality online drug education class is a successful way to address the topic with any age group, but especially our adolescents. An 8 or 12-hour drug class online is an essential tool to use to teach individuals of all ages about drug use and abuse. One way to stop any desire to try drugs is to learn about all the negative side effects on the brain, body and ultimately life. Drug classes provide the facts on what exactly drug use will do to your central nervous system, internal organs and anxiety and stress levels. Classes teach about the different kind of drugs out there, and how trying one drug can lead to the desire to try another. Minors will also learn what the legal implications will be if they are caught with illegal substances.

It’s important to select a drug class not based on the lowest price, but based on the qualifications of the expert program designers. Look for one that is developed by a licensed and practicing psychotherapist who specializes in the field of alcohol and drug addiction. This will insure that you are getting the most current and effective skills and techniques to avoid and potentially overcome abuse.

Online clients agree that taking a course from the convenience of your own home instead of having to drive to a classroom is the best way to go. They can be taken at your own pace, at any time of the day or night so clients don’t need to miss any school or work to complete the course. Teenagers can benefit by taking drug classes after school as an enrichment program and tool to help them say no to drugs.

Take an online drug class as a proactive measure or as a resource to help recover from a life of prescription drug abuse.

Online Alcohol Awareness Classes Can Meet Court Requirements

Tomorrow, January 19th, is the National Day of Service. The President and first lady are asking us to find a charity event and be of service in our community. Local Mother’s Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) offices are asking volunteers to help raise awareness about underage drinking and driving under the influence.

As we all know, thousands of victims are injured and killed each year by drunk drivers. In 2011 there were about 9,800 deaths due to drunk driving and 31 % of accidents were due to drunk drivers. MADD has the following suggestions to prevent a friend or loved one from driving while under the influence:

1) Be as non-confrontational as possible

2) Talk slowly and speak plainly and calmly

3) Explain that you don’t want them to hurt themselves or others

4) Invite the person to sleep over.

5) Try to get the person’s keys.

6) Suggest alternate ways to get home like by taxi or with another driver. Make this transportation happen for them.

If you have been cited with a DUI offense and have not gotten in an accident or hurt anyone, the judge might let you off with fines, community service, a period of time of license revocation, and an alcohol awareness class. There is no doubt that you’ve already missed work or school throughout this ordeal. You’re probably thinking that going to an alcohol class is another time consuming, needless exercise that will just add to your problems. However, one way to avoid causing more work, family and school absences is to take a DUI class online.

Certain online alcohol awareness classes are geared towards helping offenders meet their court DUI requirements. These classes contain all the same information that you would find in an in-person class but are more convenient because they are available from any web-based computer device, 24/7. This allows the client to take the class at his or her own pace, whenever they want. Online classes are especially helpful when you find yourself with a court due date looming, and no class under your belt. Simply find a high quality course that is designed by a licensed and practicing therapist and from the moment you register, the class becomes available to you. From that time on, you can sit down and power through a days worth of material, or spread it out over a few weeks. The classes are easy to follow on the screen in front of you and the client doesn’t need to have sophisticated computer skills.

These classes are developed to meet requirements for court ordered alcohol or drug-related offenses such as minor in possession of alcohol, minor consumption of alcohol, possession of a controlled substance or possession of drug paraphernalia. However, it is the responsibility of the client to confirm with the judge, DMV or probation officer that they will accept a distance-learning program. Online DUI classes have been widely accepted throughout the U.S., but some states and jurisdictions expect offenders to attend in-person classes.

Simply check with your legal system and get approval for an online DUI class today. You can get the requirement fulfilled from home and put this experience behind you!