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Take 10 Hour Online Alcohol Education Classes As A Family

Many people turn to alcohol consumption as a solution to life’s problems. Did you know that according to the Betty Ford Institute, about one in three children in the U.S. lives with someone who is alcohol or drug addicted? These behaviors have an extremely negative impact on other family members and often those loved ones tend to try to hide the situation, avoid discussing it and lose trust in those around them. Alcoholism is therefore considered a “family disease” because the alcoholic personality has such a huge negative impact on the entire family. In fact, children growing up with an alcoholic or drug addicted parent are two to three times more likely to follow this path later in life.

An alcoholic affects each family member in a different way. Children are often neglected, abused or exposed to domestic violence. They may develop anxiety, nightmares, phobias and depression. Children in these situations often suffer from low self-esteem, feel guilt and sometimes even feel like the alcoholism is their fault.

The spouse to an alcoholic often has to juggle many additional responsibilities that the alcoholic is not tending to. Life becomes more stressful and depression, anger and resentment can build. The spouse is often constantly embarrassed and ashamed and an enabling relationship develops in which the non-alcoholic spouse is constantly covering for the alcoholic one so that friends, family and employers don’t find out how bad the situation really is.

Now there is a simple and easy way to save your entire family and the alcoholic from this addiction. Modern technology has made alcohol awareness classes available to the general public online. It is often easier to encourage a loved one to take the initial step of self-improvement and ultimately acknowledgement of the problem, from the privacy of your own home. With 10 hour online alcohol classes the entire family can sit together and scroll through the course, stopping to discuss issues that they are suffering from. High quality courses can be found online that are designed by a licensed and practicing family psychotherapist. All the information and techniques are completely current and are the same education you would find in many classrooms across the U.S., but without the commute. The convenience continues with the fact that nothing needs to be printed out. The only equipment necessary is a web-based computer and you are good to go.

If you or a family member is suffering from this disease, it’s important for the health and safety of everyone involved that you get help. The best place to start is from the comfort of your own home and on your own schedule any time of the day. There really are no excuses for not trying this path of rehabilitation. There is no public humiliation, no driving, and no timelines to meet. Classes are inexpensive, easy to understand and access, and always available. The only effort the client really has to make is to be willing to take ownership of the problem and be ready to work on it.

Learn New Skills To Overcome Alcohol Abuse With Online Alcohol Awareness Classes

For you to be able to deal with any problem effectively, it is very important that you first start by gathering as much information as possible about it. Alcohol and drug abuse are no exception to this important rule. This is precisely why the long journey to recovery from alcoholism starts with understanding what causes it in the first place. The causes of alcohol abuse are numerous and they range from obvious clear cut reasons to others that are fairly more complex. There are a few main triggers to alcoholism to be aware of when looking at the root of the problem.

One aspect that many researchers are currently looking at is the availability of alcohol to teenagers. Some studies show that the younger an individual starts drinking alcohol, the higher the chances that they will develop an alcohol dependency problem. So, if alcohol is easily accessible to your teenager, or if the parent encourages drinking as long as the kids “stay at home”, the adolescent potentially develops an early taste for it which can cause long-term problems. This research continues to prove the importance of abiding by the lawful drinking age of 21.

Furthermore, some research shows that genetics might play a roll in alcohol addiction. People who come from a family of alcoholics, commonly find themselves with the problem as well. Studies have shown links between alcoholism and genetics in Native Alaskans and American Indians.

Another common cause is peer pressure. It is widely recognized that a vast majority of those who end up abusing alcohol are usually initiated into the habit by “friends” at a young age. This is a major issue at college campuses across the country and is a good reason that young adults should be educated on the risks and repercussions of alcohol abuse prior to leaving to live away at school.

An extremely effective way of starting on the road to recovery from alcohol abuse is taking an online class in alcohol and drug awareness. These classes will help you learn about the risks involved even if you don’t consider yourself an alcoholic. In addition, people who may not want to expose their drinking problems publicly will find these online classes a private way to deal with the problem. High quality courses are available on any Internet based computer, 24 hours a day. Look for a class that is designed by a currently practicing and licensed therapist, so that you know the information included is new and accurate.

Online classes educate the client on the many causes of alcoholism as well as ways to overcome the addiction. Alcohol and drug awareness classes help support individuals who are interested in becoming sober. It’s also important to surround yourself with encouraging family and friends who will be helpful in this endeavor. Traumatic events or anything that causes emotional stress and pressure in a person has also been known to drive many people into abusing alcohol. In this case, one-on-one attention from a therapist can also be helpful. Be sure to choose an online course in which a therapist can be contacted to discuss any questions or concerns about further care.

Alcohol Classes Support Overcoming Alcohol Dependence

Do you know someone who drinks too much? Are you that person? Have you wondered lately if your habits are considered abusive? An alcoholic is an individual whose body is dependent on alcohol. Alcohol dependence is sometimes a gradual process that can start out slowly and take years to become a problem. It is a chronic disease that many can only overcome with complete abstinence. The alcoholic craves alcohol and can’t control how much they consume even when the results are devastating to their life emotionally with loved ones, at work and even financially.

If you exhibit any of the following symptoms, it’s time to get help.

1) You find yourself drinking alone.

2) You mask your alcohol in other drinks, hide your alcohol or drink secretly.

3) Once you start, you can’t stop.

4) You crave alcohol.

5) You black out and can’t remember anything that happened while you were under the influence of alcohol.

An individual, who is considered an alcoholic, often has signs of these symptoms along with other problems in their life associated with drinking. Some of these include alcohol related issues with the law, work problems caused by missing work due to overindulgence the night before, forgetfulness, and problems establishing and maintaining healthy relationships.

There are a variety of ways to seek support. Some individuals benefit greatly from one-on-one therapy with a specialist in the field, others enjoy the socialization that group environment such as AA brings, while many like the private and anonymous experience of taking alcohol and drug awareness classes online.

If you’ve read through this and feel that you are ready to make a change in your life, or know someone else that needs help, starting with an 8-hour online alcohol awareness class can prove highly beneficial. Do the research to find a good quality class that is designed by a currently licensed and practicing psychotherapist. This will insure that you are getting the most up-to-date information on skills and techniques to overcome addiction. Classes can be taken from any electronic device that has Internet access and are simple to use. You simply follow the registration process; click on the button next to the course length you are interested in and classes are available to you immediately.

The beauty of taking an alcohol class online is that you can sit in the relaxed, quiet atmosphere of your own home. No driving across town in traffic, no following a predetermined timeline, no paperwork, and no additional books to purchase. You can log in and out of the course as many times as you would like and the computer program keeps track of your last spot. And, if the individual is shy or embarrassed, this option allows for complete privacy.

A quality course will teach students about chemical and alcohol use and abuse. Clients will learn about how alcoholism affects their family, the health risks involved and specific skills to support the individual in stopping the behavior. Also, be sure to choose a program in which you can contact a live therapist for support and questions. Taking an alcohol awareness class provides the education necessary to help guide an individual on the path to sobriety.

Alcohol Awareness Classes For Personal Growth

Many people around the world are suffering from the health risks of consuming too much alcohol or alcoholism. Over one-tenth of the American population has alcohol related problems. A significant number of patients taken abruptly into hospitals and emergency rooms for self harm or harm to others have been drinking alcohol. Alcohol consumers often find it hard to distinguish when normal drinking on special social occasions with family and friends turns into a serious problem. As a result of this, the problem escalates further until it may to be too late to stop drinking voluntarily but rather professional help is required.

One of the most efficient and functional ways to know if you have alcohol or drug issues is to take an online alcohol and drug awareness class. A short 8-hour alcohol awareness class is easily available on any web-based computer. The individual can take this class online to help evaluate their own situation with complete anonymity and privacy. Classes teach about the risks of alcohol abuse and skills to overcome the addiction. It is an excellent starting point to determine the severity of the problem.

There are major signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse. Taking an online class will teach you what to behavior to look. This can make the difference between stopping before it is too late and seeking professional help, or letting the addiction grow into a serious health and safety concern. If you find yourself in any of the following scenarios, it’s most likely time to seriously evaluate your behavior and take action.

1) Family and friends are worried about you.

The moment you realize that your family or friends are worried about your drinking, it is time to stop. Loved ones are protective and care for your best interest and their opinion should not be ignored but rather adhered to.

2) Drinking to relax or feel better.

If you require a drink or two just to relax and feel better than you should rethink taking that drink. Having to rely on consuming alcohol to feel relaxed pauses serious questions and problems that should not be overlooked. What is the root of this desire?

3) Loss of memory or "Blackouts".

Blacking out after having too much to drink or having no memory of the previous night is a major symptom of heavy drinking. As the level of alcohol increases in the blood, the body's function slows down. Alcohol being a depressant drug slows down the nervous system and can cause blackouts, headaches, and loss of memory or even death if the alcohol content in the blood is too high.

4) Drinking more than intended.

Going out to a pub or bar and taking a drink or two is fine but make sure you stay within the limits and don’t drive home! A red flag is if you can’t stop once you’ve had a drink or two. Realizing that you've consumed more alcohol than you initially intended but couldn’t control your behavior is a sign you need help.

5) Slow movements and loss of vision.

Too much alcohol starts taking its toll and eventually causes slow movements and/or loss of vision. This is a serious problem and can cause major accidents, especially in drivers. The moment any sign of the either two starts appearing, it is time to cut down on drinking because with each drink, the level of alcohol content in blood increases and the depressant drug has further repercussions and effects.

Common definition of drinking levels:

Easy - One drink per day

Moderate - maximum 2 drinks per day.

Heavy - More than three drinks per occasion.

Binge - Four or five drinks per occasion.

If any or all of the above situations define your behavior, try taking an online alcohol awareness class. Classes don’t substitute for one-on-one therapy but are excellent sources of education to learn about the risks of alcohol abuse both physically and emotionally. You will learn skills to identify if you have a problem and how to stop the cycle. Classes are easy to take from any web-based computer in your home, are private and low in cost. The goal is to help the client learn how to stay sober for a healthier, safer and happier life.

College Students Should Take An MIP Class To Learn Health Risks of Alcohol and Drug Use

Has your child gone off to college for his freshman year and been indulging in the freedom a bit too much? Now that we’re mid-way through the first quarter or semester at most colleges, we can gage how much time our kids are spending studying by a quick look at mid-term report cards. Studies show that drinking accounts for about 25% of academic problems in college. All the indulgence leads to missed classes, hangovers and therefore dropping grades. Many of us can still vividly remember all the parties that went on day after day, and how difficult it was for some students to stay on track. In fact, according to the National Institute of Health, four out of five college students drink alcohol and over 40% of them binge drink. For those not completely familiar with the term, binge drinking refers to the heavy consumption of alcohol over a short time, which is generally defined as 5 or more drinks in a row for men, and 4 or more drinks in a row for women. It’s considered heavy binge drinking when about 3 or more of these events occur over 2 weeks. Not too hard to imagine in the college environment.

The Scripps Research Institute recently published findings that in rats it only takes a few months of intermittent binge drinking to damage the brain. A major point is that this damage includes signs of a reduction in one’s overall ability to control how much alcohol they drink at the next party. Between the episodes of binge drinking, this group of affected brain cells remained unusually active and the more active, the more the rats drank during the next binge. The conclusion was interesting because its normal to see changes in brain activity in humans and animals that are heavy drinkers on a daily basis, but these changes were found in rats after only a few months of intermittent binge drinking.

Educating our teenagers continues to be the key in preventing alcohol and drug abuse. A quality way to impart and reinforce alcohol and drug awareness is to have your teenager take a Minor In Possession class online during their next visit home from school. Analysis done by the Department of Justice shows that binge drinking occurs most frequently during the years between 18 and 20. So, when they try to talk their way out of it, remind them that this is for their own benefit in the long run.

Online MIP classes are also available for students who have already been cited for an underage drinking offense like Minor in Consumption or Possession of Alcohol Under the Legal Age. If your judge will approve taking a distance learning class, then taking this course online is the easiest and most convenient way to complete the requirement. You simply register online and the class is immediately available to be taken at any time of the day or night. The student can finish the class in one day, one weekend or over a period of a few weeks depending on their own life commitments. A Certificate of Completion is issued at the end of the course to prove the student successfully finished the requirement. Give your teenager the tools he needs to lead a safe, productive and healthy life by having him take an MIP class before it’s too late!