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Improve The Quality Of Your Life With An Alcohol and Drug Class Online

Is there a loved one in your life that needs help with alcohol and drug addiction but they refuse to admit it? Or, have you or that person finally come to the realization that change is necessary for a healthier, more stable and happier life? There are different reasons that one becomes dependent on these substances and every person has to find their own path to recovery. For some it’s the group of environment of AA, for others it might be one-on-one therapy. One way that is a good starting point is to take an educational alcohol and drug awareness class online.

Taking an online class enables the participant to sit in the comfort of his or her own home and learn how the substance abuse negatively impacts their health, social life, work life and all of their loved ones around them. For individuals who are reluctant to get involved in a big group setting, online classes provide complete privacy and anonymity.

A 10-hour alcohol and drug awareness class can be taken from any web-based computer at any time of the day or night. This gives you the opportunity to take it during your lunch hour at work, in the evening after dinner or anytime over the weekend and at your own pace. You can login and out as often as you need to finish the program. The computer holds your last spot so you are ready to go on from that point the next time you enter the class. Online classes also save you from having to drive across town to get to a traditional classroom setting. And, they can be taken alone or with a loved one for support and reassurance.

Alcohol and drug classes are available for self-improvement purposes, HR requirements at work, or court mandates. If you need to take a class to fulfill a legal requirement and are already extremely busy and don’t want to have to lose your weekends in a classroom, ask the judge for approval to take the course online instead. Furthermore, if you are a person who travels a lot on business or are planning to move to another state, these classes can be accessed from all 50 states so you can just continue from your new location.

High quality online alcohol drug class covers topics such as risk factors for alcohol and drug abuse, understanding the different types of drugs on the legal and illegal markets, and the short and long-term health risks of substance abuse. Specifically, students learn how alcohol and drugs affect their brain, central nervous system and body making it so dangerous to get behind the wheel.

Most importantly, clients are taught new skills for stress management and effective communication to help them deal with daily life in a healthier way. The goal is to give you a complete understanding of use, abuse, addiction and strategies to use to overcome the behavior.

Improve the quality of your life, your self-esteem and your social relationships by starting a 10-hour alcohol and drug awareness class today. It is an easy; convenient way to positively change the way you are experiencing life.

MIP Classes Online Teach Young Adults Risks of Binge Drinking

While binge drinking tends to be more prevalent among boys and men, the CDC in 2013 is attempting to raise awareness about the severity of the problem among girls and women in the U.S. as well. Their research shows that nearly 14 million females partake in binge drinking about 3 times a month, but this is rarely a publicly discussed subject. Recent studies show that it’s most prevalent among high school girls and women ages 18 – 34. In fact, one out of five girls in high school binge drinks and one in eight adult women binge drinks on a regular basis. For women, this means that they are consuming 4-5 alcoholic drinks within two hours.

According to the CDC, more than half of the 23,000 female deaths annually that are related to alcohol abuse are specifically due to binge drinking. It is a serious problem in our society that many of us may not be aware of and there are a number of health risks that go along with this behavior. Binge drinking negatively impacts anyone’s health, but for women in particular, it puts them at increased risk for heart disease, STDs, breast cancer and unintended pregnancy. Parents should also be aware that teens that binge drink are also at increased risk for depression and anxiety in adulthood.

Many parents might look at these statistics and think that they don’t need to worry because this is something their daughter would never consider. However, the numbers show that there is a significant portion of our high school population getting away with this behavior and it is a subject that needs to be addressed. This is where online classes can be very handy. Online Minor in Possession or Alcohol Awareness Classes are readily available to help parents appropriately educate their young adults about how alcohol and drug use can adversely affect their lives forever. MIP classes online are an excellent resource to use to support discussion about drugs to look out for and how they affect the brain, how alcohol slows down reaction time and decision-making skills, and what the short and long-term affects are on the body and mind. Classes also discuss what the repercussions are of getting cited by the law for underage substance abuse so they understand the seriousness of the charge.

If your child has already been cited for Minor in Possession of an illegal substance these same online classes can often be used to fulfill the education portion of court mandates. Prior to enrolling, check with your court system to get their approval for your child to take an online MIP class. Once approved, simply go online and register. The class will immediately be available on your Internet based computer device. Taking a course online rather than in a classroom is highly beneficial because you don’t need to drive to another physical location or adhere to someone else’s schedule. Your child can simply login and out whenever he or she has the free time. The course is divided by chapters and at the end a multiple-choice final exam is issued to insure they understood the material. Once they have passed the final, the official Certificate of Completion will be sent to you. This is what is turned into the court system with a seal on it to prove the course was successfully completed.

Have your child take an MIP class online to help educate them on the negative affects of alcohol and drug use or to fulfill a court mandate.

Take An Alcohol Awareness Class To Support Your New Years Resolutions!

The beginning of a new year brings with it the opportunity to start fresh. It’s a chance to put unhealthy behaviors behind you and get started on a new path. When reflecting back on 2012, you may realize that there were more nights you ended up drinking too much, than not. Maybe you started a new habit of coming home from work in the evening and having an alcoholic beverage to reduce the stress of the day, or it was just another year amongst many in which you’ve abused alcohol. Have you come to the conclusion that alcohol is negatively affecting your work, health or family life? Have you made a new years resolution to reduce or stop your drinking?

If you are ready to take a healthy step towards overcoming alcohol abuse, seek support! Many people try to go it alone because they can’t afford or aren’t ready to get one-on-one counseling. Or, maybe you don’t feel comfortable going into a room full of strangers to discuss your most intimate problems. The solution is to seek alcohol awareness education online. With an alcohol awareness class like those offered at you can find the information and skills you need to learn to stop your abusive behavior. Online classes are ideal because they can be taken from any computer device that is connected to the Internet, most conveniently in your own home! You don’t need to meet an instructors pre-determined class schedule in a traditional classroom, but can login and access the class whenever you have free time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Online classes provide you with complete privacy to embark on the road to recovery. Taking them in the quiet of your own home also gives you the time to go at your own pace and reflect on what the triggers are of your alcohol abuse. The course outline will guide you through different topics including alcohol and drug risk factors, the health risks of alcohol and drug use, and how these substances really affect the brain, central nervous system and body. You might think that alcohol is a pick me up, but did you know that it actually acts a depressant? The student will also learn imperative skills to overcoming the behavior like stress management techniques and communication skills.

Online alcohol awareness classes are not only available for self-improvement purposes but can often be taken to fulfill court requirements. If you have been court ordered to take an alcohol and drug class for a DUI or other substance abuse related offense, ask your judge if he will accept an online course. Many jurisdictions understand that it is often difficult to physically get to an in-person class because they are only offered across town or in another city. If it’s the height of winter, you might feel unsafe driving the roads to get to the class or the class schedule might interfere with your work schedule and you just can’t miss anymore time without suffering from pay loss or boss disapproval. Our online program is designed by a currently licensed and practicing psychotherapist and the education included in the course includes the most effective techniques available today.

Alcohol abuse is a progressive disease that will eventually catch up with you. Give yourself the tools you need to fulfill your new years resolution and start an online alcohol awareness class today!

Take An 8 Hour Alcohol Class To Begin A Healthier, Brighter 2013!

Welcome to a New Year! This is a time when many of us reflect back on the experiences we had in 2012 and determine what we can do better, what needs to be changed and where we were successful. With the holidays behind us, it’s a good time to take a look at our behavior and decide if it was appropriate. Did you drink too much on Thanksgiving and Christmas and regretted it? Did you drink too much most days due to increased pressure and stress at work? Is your drinking affecting your family?

Research continues to show that an alcoholic’s drinking not only affects the problem drinker, but has severe negative impacts on his family as well. It brings chaos and uncertainty to those living with the alcoholic as they are forced to ignore their own needs and work instead at maintaining some sort of stability within the family. The spouse and children are often thrust into the roles of caretaker to the alcoholic, making sure he or she makes it into bed each night or gets up for work each morning. Family members go into overdrive to try to maintain the appearance of a normal, appropriate unit to the outside world. Some children try to make up for the lack of responsibility in the alcoholic by exceling in school or activities to prove to the world that everything is all right, while others respond by becoming loners, having low self-esteem, fear, and anxiety because of the instability at home.

An alcoholic can devastate a family without even realizing it. If you are coming to the realization that this person might be you and are ready for treatment, one low-stress and convenient way to get started is to take an online alcohol awareness class. An 8-hour alcohol class will teach the information and skills necessary to get your life back on a healthier track. The purpose of these classes is to enlighten the client on the short and long-term problems associated with alcohol use. Risks and repercussions to health, family and friends, work and school are discussed to identify the impact alcohol use has on the entire life. Most importantly, the client is taught new skills to help redirect and overcome the alcoholic behavior. These skills include stress management techniques, effective communication and better anger management.

With the increase in computer usage across the country, online alcohol and drug awareness classes have gained ground in popularity. Online classes are beneficial to the client because they can be taken from the comfort of your own home, at any time of the day or night, on your own web-based computer device. This alleviates the stress of having to get to a classroom across town at a specific time each week. Furthermore, online classes provide complete privacy and anonymity so no one else needs to know you are seeking this kind of support. In a classroom environment, the students are often forced to sit and listen to other people’s stories but with online learning, the client can sit in a quiet environment and focus on his own thoughts and needs.

Invest 8 hours of your time now for a healthier and brighter 2013! The sooner you understand the harmful effects of alcohol on yourself and everyone around you, the more quickly balance can be restored to the family.

Teen Drug Offenders Can Take Minor-In-Possession Classes Online

Recent headlines in the health science world indicate that drug abuse among our nations teens is not going away. An annual survey called “Monitoring the Future” reported high use of marijuana by 8th, 10th and 12th graders across the country. This 2012 survey showed that 6.5% of high school seniors smoke marijuana, which is up from 5.1% five years ago. The survey goes on to point out that when interviewed many teens perceive marijuana use as relatively harmless and as they get older, the perception of risk diminishes. One has to wonder if the recent laws legalizing the drug in 2 states have anything to do with this attitude.

The second most abused drug among teens today is prescription painkillers. This is attributed to the way that doctors deal with pain these days. Pain relievers are now dispensed at a higher level than ever. So, there are 10 times more 12 to 17 year olds abusing prescription painkillers than there were in the 1960’s. The availability in many parents’ medicine cabinets makes it easy for adolescents to skim off the top.

Many parents just don’t realize how serious a problem this is. Even if it’s not your own kids you need to worry about, your children’s friends can take advantage of your unsecured prescription medicine. Parents should take notice and count how many pills are in containers. Put these prescriptions in places that are not easily accessible to your kids or houseguests. Get past the feeling that you are being paranoid; this is the world we are living in.

Most importantly, have the conversation with your teen about drug use and abuse. Studies continue to show that a line of open communication and parent involvement in their children’s lives are the most successful ways of avoiding the problem. Early education is vital and also a key to prevention. Most school districts across the country have local police enforcement come in to talk to kids about drug and alcohol use as early as the 5th grade. Don’t let the conversation stop there. Middle school is a perfect time to enroll your child in an educational online drug and alcohol awareness class.

Giving your child the gift of alcohol and drug education in a proactive manner is a loving approach to averting the problem. Or, if your child has already made a mistake and has been caught for a minor in possession offense, he will most likely be court mandated to take a course to help prevent future use. These classes are highly effective and teach minors all about the risk factors of alcohol and drug abuse and how easy it is to fall into a cycle of dependency once you start. All of the specific health risks are laid out; especially how these substances affect the brain, central nervous system and organs in the body. Teenagers are further equipped with healthier techniques to deal with stress and how to communicate effectively with others to avoid peer pressure on the subject.

If you are sold on offering this tool to your teenager, then the next step is to take them online. The only reason that anyone needs to drive across town to take a traditional in-person class is if the class is court mandated and the judge won’t accept a distance learning class. Otherwise, make your life easier and simply enroll in an 8-hour MIP class today. Taking the class online enables your child to sit in the comfort of your own home and take the class from any Internet based computer device. Teenagers today are particularly attuned to learning in this manner and enjoy it. Once you enroll, the class is available online 24/7, so it can be taken by your teen whenever he or she has time. There is a multiple-choice final exam at the end of the course. For those with a court mandate, a 70% or better is a passing grade. An official Certificate of Completion is then mailed out to you to present to your court system. This proves the requirement was successfully completed. Online classes are interesting, educational and easy to use. Have your teen take one over the holiday break so they are prepared with the facts of why to avoid alcohol and drugs in the New Year!